Hans' Blog

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Classmate Blog : Mobile Service Charges are Outrageous

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Stanley wrote a blog about how a woman in San Jose received a hefty phone bill that proved to be incorrect later. I agree with Stanley that this is unacceptable for the business as it can directly impact the consumers’ behavior towards the bill and the company. However, this is not the only company that inaccurately charges overly expensive phone bills to consumers. Today, many phone companies have hidden charges that consumers aren’t informed about until they received their phone bill. Companies are being sly in their bill charging methods in order to maximize their own profits, with is ethically unacceptable.  As consumers, we should know what we are being charged for and why we’re being charged.

Luckily, this San Jose changed the bill for the consumer so that she receives the right amount. Some phone companies these days would not accept their incorrect mistakes, leading to a damage in the relationship between the company and the consumer. Not only will this upset consumers, it will also lead to legal issues that the companies will have to face. However, these legal issues usually do not happen because companies often find a way to overcome these complaints and charge extra to the consumers.

This behavior done by phone companies needs to be halted as it is unethically wrong.


Source : Phone Bill Too High

Written by hanschoi

October 20th, 2012 at 11:37 pm

Posted in Uncategorized

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