
My name is Han Sol Choi and I am a second generation Korean-Canadian and I immigrated to Canada at the age of 6.

I’ve been passionate about teaching and working with children since I was very young. My mother was an educator and she has been a huge influence in my career choice. I’ve worked with a variety of students ranging from pre-schoolers to grade 12 students. My first teaching experience was at a Korean school in Burnaby where I was an assistant helper in the kindergarten classroom. I remember not being able to help much because of my lack of knowledge in the Korean language. I still had a ton of fun with my students, and my dedication to their learning didn’t waver despite my shortcomings. So inspired by my kindergarten class, in high school I decided to volunteer at a tutoring center. It was run by a non-profit organization where kids could come to learn and receive help without having to pay for a tutor. The classroom was diverse economically and ethnically. Yet the one thing they had in common was that they were passionate about academics and it was truly inspiring to see these children every week. I continued teaching throughout my university years, and even took half a year to teach English at a rural elementary school in Korea. I ran the after school language program and taught classes during the day in collaboration with homeroom teachers. It was one of the best experiences of my life. These children never came into the classroom without a smile, and even though I may not remember ever single lesson that I’ve taught during the six months, I remember how vibrant and energetic they were. I would love to continue working with students in the classroom setting, and it’s been my biggest aspiration to be an educator. I’m so excited to be a part of the future teachers who have a real chance at making a difference in students’ lives!


My hobbies include reading, writing, singing and playing the guitar. I hope to use my interests and unique experiences to enhance the learning of my students.

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