Unit Three Reflection

The intensity of Unit 3 was a phenomenon that I had yet to experience. This opportunity to use various techniques discussed within the text books, as well as other lessons provided – I was able to incorporate the skill of emphasizing the audience’s needs. In regards to the assignments, they were considerably more challenging than those of previous units. However, this practice has been very useful in expanding my technical writing skills.

Formal Report Process

Although challenging, writing the report was an enjoyable process, as the topic discussed was of interest to me. I found the research component of this assignment to be very intensive, as for my specific topic – both primary and secondary sources were needed.

While writing this report, I tried to provide as much information to the stakeholders and decision makers this report was addressed to. Additionally, I found it important to construct this report to be informational, as well as analytical as using these two methods would allow us to provide the necessary information regarding the topic at hand, and provide my insight and recommendations with academic evidence to legitimize my argument.

One aspect that I found particularly challenging was the gathering primary data component of the assignment. Although I have extensive experience using and analyzing secondary sources, by cultivating a method of survey – which strives to only ask non-invasive, non-personal, and ethical questions – I found myself stuck at times, as the topic I had chosen is considered to be a very touchy subject. However, upon collecting the data – I felt a sense of pride seeing the results of the survey. It was especially interesting to analyze the percentages of what the participants thought, and connect that information to the secondary sources which provided reasoning as to why these anonymous individuals may have responded in such a way.

Prior to starting this assignment, I definitely miscalculated the complexity and the amount of work that would be required for this assignment. The accumulation of various parts of research required to complete this task was something that I had never done before. Therefore, although I had drafted a writing schedule to time-manage, it was hard to follow this specific schedule as various parts took longer than I expected. Moreover, I think this experience of writing a formal report is extremely useful in my future writing tasks, as I now know how to manage my time, as well as conduct various kinds of research.

Peer Review Process

As always, peer reviews are one of my favourite activities within a class. By conducting peer reviews as a student – I value the feedback I am able to gain from not only my instructors, but also from my classmates as well. Therefore, as I consider peer reviews to be a critical part in ensuring that high quality research articles are being submitted, I strive to do the same for my peers’ articles.

While reviewing Izabel’s Final Report Draft, the biggest constructive criticism I had was to provide more information regarding the topic, how this specific topic impacts the current problem addressed, as well as the proposed solution. I also advised to add a methods section within the report, as this would provide more clarity as to what kind of research was done, how this was carried out, as well as how the findings relate to the secondary sources discussed. Other than that, Izabel did an excellent job in summarizing her introducing in a very clear and concise matter. I appreciated her ability to keep the goal of being informational at hand when writing – as the audience is able to read the general statement of her goal, without getting confused due to an overflow of words. Writing this peer review, has also granted me the opportunity to reflect back on my report – to determine if there were any areas which I could correct.

Overall, although the process was stressful and tough at times, the skills attained in Unit 3 are indispensable.

Hanul Seo_Formal Report Draft ENGL301

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