Unit Two Reflection

Establishing an Online Presence via LinkedIn

It can be intimidating to create a LinkedIn profile. As social media is now significantly relevant in the job application process, young adults now strive to not only keep professionalism in person, but online as well. I had first created my LinkedIn profile in my 2nd year of university with little to no knowledge about how impactful it could be to future employers. The assignment on optimizing your LinkedIn profile gave me insight on the significance that networking has on furthering your career.

Formal Report – Proposal, Outline and Progress

The process of writing the formal report was a challenge. At first, I struggled with maintaining the focus in mind, and writing efficiently. Although I had extensive knowledge regarding the topic, I found myself being too broad with various aspects of the topic, taking away from the main purpose of the article.

Peer Review for Partner’s Proposal

While peer reviewing my partner’s formal report. I got insight to how, more information does not always = better. Although Izabel’s report was short, the way that her article was able to provide sufficient information regarding the topic of study, purpose of the solution, as well as the steps needed to implement the change, made me realize that I needed to be better at condensing my ideas. Additionally, her topic was extremely interesting, as the solution seems simple enough to implement, but could also change sanitation issues within public transport systems.

Peer Review Process

From reviewing my team’s writing forum, the phenomenon that stood out to me the most was that I needed to condense my ideas and learn how to write more efficiently. Upon review or my classmates’ reports, I realized that some of the information I was putting into my report was unnecessary and took away from the overall purpose of the article.

Revised Report Proposal:

Formal Report Proposal (Revised) – Hanul Seo



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