October 29

Today was a day full of fun activities. The students in my K/1 class are starting to remember who I am, which is always a good sign. I feel as though students that are at such a young age do not always remember faces too often, especially when they only see me once a week. I did a lot of detailed observing today, listening into the students conversations and paying close attention to what they were asking the teacher. K/1’s always have many questions for the teacher and I wonder in my own practice how I will respond to all of them in a polite and reasonable way. I want to be able to respond to the best of my ability but also respond in a way that my students will understand. My SA has a lot of experience with children and I can see that through the way she talks to them. Sometimes when students ask me questions it takes me a while to respond because I do not want to give them the wrong answer OR give them an answer they will not understand.

One comment

  1. This question is a good one for future inquiry. ” How do I, as a teacher, communicate with young learners to help them extend their thinking and develop greater independence in problem solving?” It is a good question in that there are so many ways we can respond and no right answers but definitely more successful communication will enhance learning.

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