December 3

I know I have chosen the right profession for myself as I was delighted to be back in my classroom today. Right away I felt that I was able to use some of the classroom management techniques I learned in my workshop last week. I guided a numeracy lesson with the Kindergartens, and was able to keep them on task and explain things a lot better than the first time I had done it. I tried to be firm but kind during the lesson to a few students, something that I really think I am getting better at. It came as a surprise to some students who did not seem too pleased with me but I have to get use to the attitude I will expect back when being firm. My SA informed me that this week has been a tough week for the students in relation to behavioural issues. I am glad I did my inquiry project around behavioural issues because I will have a better understanding of them after I finish my research. It is interesting to watch how the bad behaviour has excelled with one particular student, it has come to the point where this student has to be pulled out of class daily as a safety precaution for the rest of the class. I am paying close attention to how the school is dealing with this as I am interested in what may happen next. Overall I am looking forward to fun activities next week and coming back in the new year. I can already see so much growth within the students and I cannot wait for the learning experiences during my long practicum.

One comment

  1. It is really wonderful that you are learning new techniques for management and trying them out. This time of year can be very difficult for some students and the excitement and routines that may be interrupted for varied reasons can interfere with the need some have for clear structure, in order to remain self regulated. It is good that you have chosen behaviour as your inquiry project and that you are open to new ideas and frameworks for working with students who have those difficulties. This will be very helpful for you in your future teaching!

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