This week in my Education, Knowledge and Curriculum course (EDST 403) some of my classmates and I are doing research on violence surrounding students in the classroom. We will be presenting our findings to our peers next week and so far we have found some interesting research. I chose to take part in this topic because it relates closely to my inquiry around behavioural management in the classroom.
Staring on this project, my group and I quickly realized that violence in the classroom was a pretty broad topic. We found lots of information that we want to share with our peers but due to time constraints we will be focusing our attention on violence between students, violence between student and teacher and what the new curriculum is telling us that students need to know about violence. We will give strategies for dealing with violent students and how to prevent violent behaviours. Being part of the SEL cohort we strongly believe that imbedding practices such as Second Step will help students gain a better understanding of how to deal in situations where they may feel obligated to be violent with each other or with an adult.
So far we have found some Canadian research that suggests that violence in schools is on the rise but we are looking further into these studies to getting a better understanding of what is affecting this. My group and I had an interesting conversation surrounding violent outbreaks in the classroom. How do we as teachers respond to a student who is putting him or herself in danger along with the rest of the class? We discussed how it was important to take the rest of the class outside of the classroom so it is safe but then that leaves roughly 25-30 students unattended (if there is not EA in the class) or a violent child unattended in the classroom. Through our research we will also be exploring the different polices among school districts and will be looking into what we as teachers can do if a situation like this arises. I am looking forward to our findings as it will strengthen my findings around my Inquiry question.
It is interesting how so many topics connect when we are pursuing and inquiry and how many questions arise as a result of it. Violence in the classroom can take many forms and is a topic that is well researched. I can see how you have had to narrow it down! It gives you more information as to how to best prevent it and how to deal with it if and when it occurs. This is really good learning for you and will benefit you in future!
It is interesting how so many topics connect when we are pursuing an inquiry and how many questions arise as a result of it. Violence in the classroom can take many forms and is a topic that is well researched. I can see how you have had to narrow it down! It gives you more information as to how to best prevent it and how to deal with it if and when it occurs. This is really good learning for you and will benefit you in future!