May 14

Week 6 & 7 down! What an adventure. It is bittersweet to think about how close I am till the end.

My class and I had an exciting couple of weeks. Last week we watched a high school performance of Shrek. There was a lot of excitement from the students and at times it was hard to contain during the day. My fellow TCs and I started our mini soccer tournament with our school and it is safe to say that the students love it! All grades are so excited to play at lunch, they keep asking their teachers when its their turn to play. It feels good knowing that we have created an opportunity for the soccer lovers at the school (there is a lot!) to get a taste of some competition and have fun at the same time. We first decided to hold the tournament to every Tuesday, but there are a lot of children from each grade that signed up so we decided to do Friday at lunch as well.

I almost done teaching my butterfly unit and my class really enjoyed having the butterflies be a part of the class. They loved coming into class every morning to check up on them and see if they saw anything different. Having the insect in the class made for a better learning experience.

I have so many more ideas that I would love to include of the last 2 weeks of practicum, but sadly there is not enough time. One of my ideas is for the students in my grade to hold a lemonade sale. As I am teaching them about coins, and the value of the coins, I thought it would be great for them to deal with exchanging coins through a lemonade stand. I also wanted to put the proceeds towards the Alberta Canadian Red Cross to help those affected by the Fort McMurry fires. I need to discuss details with my SA and hopefully I can put this plan in action!! I think it would make for a great learning experience.

One comment

  1. Yes, this is such a fast moving time and you have sailed through it. It always seems to feel, as a teacher, that there is not enough time to get everything done! The good news is that there is never a time when there is not enough to do!
    The soccer tournament was a great idea and gave you the opportunity to work with multiple grade levels at the school. Wonderful!

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