It is hard to narrow done to a few sentences what kind of teacher I hope to be. However, there are some parts of my career that I feel more strongly about and hope to accomplish over the years to come.
Through my social and emotional approach to teaching I hope to support ALL of my students in any way possible. Mental well-being is not always talked about in classrooms and talking openly about our emotions with my students will only do them good in the future. As a teacher I will be a role model to every student I meet so it is my goal to epitomize the good qualities that I want to see in them. Lastly, making learning memorable is something I strive for because knowing that your students remember something they learned from you is beyond satisfying.
Your philosophy is clearly written and demonstrates your passion for building a safe, compassionate, socially and emotionally healthy classroom where every student is engaged and taking away positive memories of their learning. These is a great base to build your future from as an educator!