Big Brands Can Be Sustainable

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P&G (Proctor and Gamble) is known worldwide for products ranging from shampoo to dog food. P&G is now being recognized for its stand on sustainability. P&G has cut carbon emissions, energy and water by 53pc, 52pc and 58pc respectively. This reduction of resources is also cost efficient. One of the steps P&G has taken is relocating its distribution centers to be as close in proximity to the largest number of customers as possible. Another step P&G takes to reduce emissions is using railway as frequently and efficiently as possible. It also shares trucks with other suppliers and retailers to maximize the amount of space used during transportation. Reducing packaging is another step P&G takes and reducing packaging reduces waste, while allowing more products to fit on to the trucks.

This old idea that people have about sustainability reducing profit has been disproved by P&G, since all steps that it has taken lowers costs and reduces amount of resource input used. It is important that more people think like Mr. Waters, the product supply director of P&G, because realizing sustainability in a company can be profitable and can lead to new innovative ideas that will yield the owners profit, while being better for the environment. Also, more large companies may try to become more sustainable, after seeing P&G’s success.