harman minhas' blog

The Importance of Online Reviews & Recommendations

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With a wealth of knowledge available to us literally at our finger tips, online reviews have become an important part of a business’ online persona. Word of mouth recommendations have always been an important factor in driving sales for businesses and has now taken a new look. Just as the internet has changed the way many business activities are carried out, it has also changed the face of word of mouth recommendations. Word of mouth recommendations in a modern sense can be seen as online reviews. Most of us agree…read more


Subject: Death of Email Marketing?

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To: Email lovers and enthusiasts around the world Emails are here to stay! When it comes to online marketing, emails tend to be overlooked as a lesser platform of communicating information or is even forgotten about. Emails often get a bad rep for being a slower mode of communication in comparison to various other social media platforms available. However, this predicted virtual death of emails seems to be just that, a prediction. Just like the continued use of print advertisements and marketing, it is important to take email marketing seriously….read more


The Perils of Using Social Media to Address Customer Complaints

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In class we discussed how through the use of social media consumers want immediate responses to their questions. Millennials are especially taking to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to have their questions, concerns and complaints immediately answered. This shift in consumer behaviour and expectations is what constitutes the norms of customer service in today’s world. An article outlined the 9 considerations a business has to take in order to provide Millennials with excellent customer service, which included a lot of things we would expect such as Millenials don’t…read more


The Secret to the Success of Viral Ad Campaigns

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I recently read an interesting article about what makes some advertisements or videos go viral. The result seems a little more common sense now that I am reflecting on it. “Viral emotions” were what the article attributed the success of the videos to. The three key differences in a successful viral video that drives its audience members to share the video with their network and a non-viral video are: The use of contrasting emotions – The use of contrasting emotions keeps the audience engaged emotionally. It is possible to gain…read more


The Increased Integration of Visual Content within Social Media Platforms

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As someone who self-identifies as technologically impaired, I would really appreciate when a website or social media platform was heavily based on visual content because it made it easier for me to stay engaged. Quite recently, I have seen many articles regarding the increase in use of visual content by businesses. However, what has not been brought to light is how social media platforms have increasingly integrated visual content to keep users engaged. One such example is Twitter. The human brain responds to visual content roughly 60,000 times faster than…read more

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