Subject: Death of Email Marketing?

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To: Email lovers and enthusiasts around the world

Emails are here to stay!

When it comes to online marketing, emails tend to be overlooked as a lesser platform of communicating information or is even forgotten about. Emails often get a bad rep for being a slower mode of communication in comparison to various other social media platforms available. However, this predicted virtual death of emails seems to be just that, a prediction. Just like the continued use of print advertisements and marketing, it is important to take email marketing seriously.


As a Millennial myself, I tend to take email communication for granted. Reflecting back on my online correspondence, email has been the channel I do all my important communication through. Facebook may document my life events, but email is usually where I first learn of them. Moments such as being accepted into university, receiving various scholarships and even getting job offers I was made aware of through email. Emails can be a great platform to add the feeling of exclusivity by sending invitations for events held by the company or by providing information that the customer would not be able to find readily on their own.


So far I have stated anecdotes of why I think emails are a great way to reach customers, but now for some facts. The number of emails sent from 2014 to 2017 has increased by 8% and the number of email accounts opened has increased by 18%. This continual growth in the use of emails is a very encouraging sign.

Since people generally spend 6 hours a day checking their emails, be sure to check out this article by Peter Gasca on common email nuances to avoid and this article by Eric Samson on how to increase the ROI for your email marketing campaigns.
