The Perils of Using Social Media to Address Customer Complaints

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In class we discussed how through the use of social media consumers want immediate responses to their questions. Millennials are especially taking to social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to have their questions, concerns and complaints immediately answered. This shift in consumer behaviour and expectations is what constitutes the norms of customer service in today’s world.

An article outlined the 9 considerations a business has to take in order to provide Millennials with excellent customer service, which included a lot of things we would expect such as Millenials don’t like calling Customer Service Reps or being stereotyped. They also want immediate responses to their complaints and they want it in more casual language over social media platforms like Twitter.

Sounds easy enough right?

WestJet 2

Well WestJet had a customer service mishap that made national news after a customer tweeted WestJet saying that she found a man’s outfit and beer in her checked-in luggage. To which WestJet responded, “what happens in Vegas…” and Ashley, the customer, did not think that was very funny.


That was just one example of how it is hard to find a balance in being humorous and cheeky to engage customers and actually solving their complaints to amend relations. Being able to respond to customer complaints promptly is only half the battle. Addressing the issue is just as important. Being able to have a sense of humor is great in terms of building relations with customers, but a business needs to remember to also provide a solution to the complaint at the same time. This was a lesson WestJet had to learn the hard way.