Resurgence of Electricity

In recent years, interest in electric cars has risen substantially due to the global increase in gasoline prices and the growing concern of greenhouse gas emissions. But can electric cars overtake gasoline cars and become our main mode of transport for the future?

For electric cars to become the norm, companies that produce them such as Chevrolet, Nissan and Tesla must market the cars in a way that appeals to consumers. Consumers must be able to clearly see the benefits and the value of driving an electric car versus a gasoline car.

One of the main concerns for consumers about electric cars is the higher cost. But if more consumers went green and demanded for electric cars, the price tags for those cars will decrease. This is simply due to economies of scale; if big factory-like auto-makers such as Nissan and Chevrolet are able to mass-produce millions of electric cars, the price of each individual car will go down. It becomes beneficial for everybody that is directly and indirectly involved; manufacturers will be able to reduce production costs and sell more cars; consumers would save on thousands of dollars of fuel costs by going green; there would be less greenhouse gas emissions; and future generations would benefit greatly from our innovations.

Tesla Motors, the world’s first electric luxury car







Gross, Daniel. “Tesla’s Rise Forces Other Automakers to Up Their Electric Car Game.” The          Daily Beast. Newsweek/Daily Beast, 25 Sept. 2013. Web. 27 Sept. 2013.                                 <                   automakers-to-up-their-electric-car-game.html>.

Loiseau, Justin. “Pump vs. Plug: Do You Really Save Money Driving an Electric                              Car?” DailyFinance, 24 June 2013. Web. 27 Sept. 2013.                             <>.

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