Simplicity: The Key To Being a Successful Entrepreneur

Following our class on entrepreneurship on Tuesday, I was inspired by the guest speakers in our class and their stories as entrepreneurs. All the speakers that I have heard to date have all shared an underlying message: you don’t have to be crazy smart or have an earth shattering idea to be a successful entrepreneur, rather it is how you implement your idea, and if you truly believe what you’re doing can be done. An entrepreneur from Montreal, Daniel Robichaud, exemplifies this concept perfectly. Robichaud has just recently started up PasswordBox Inc. and has raised $6 million from investors so far. PasswordBox is a simple program on computers, smart phones and other devices that help internet users organize all their passwords. The companies point of difference is its simplicity. I can confidently say that most internet users have thought to themselves how annoying it is to try and remember so many passwords, and how much easier life would be if they were all organized in one place. Even though this business idea has likely been thought over millions of times, Robichaud is implemented it better than anybody else yet, and therefore he is a successful entrepreneur.


Company website – there is a short video, its really amazing how simple the business idea is:

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