Class 3 – Business Ethics

It’s no secret that the Kinder Morgan Pipeline is a controversial issue within British Columbia. One of the main problems locals are having with the project is the massive impact the pipeline would have on the environment. Based on the evidence found in the attached article, it is safe to say that the ethics of Kinder Morgan as a company are extremely questionable. If a company is willing to destroy the natural beauty found within the backyards of Burnaby locals, then does it really have the best interests of potential costumers and stockholders at heart?

Though expansion is usually necessary for the growth of a company, now more than ever companies need to be careful of how they go about expanding. With deforestation being one of the major problems facing the world today, it can be said that a company (like Kinder Morgan) choosing to make expansions by contributing to this deforestation is acting in an unethical fashion. Who wants to support a company that is consciously killing the environment at a time when all it needs is to be protected? Though expansion may be a necessary step, there has to be a better way for Kinder Morgan to achieve the next level of success while still preserving the environment from which the company was born.

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