What can Air Canada learn from Zappos?

As has been recently publicized, Air Canada is soon planning on applying a charge of $25 for the first checked piece of baggage of each economy class passenger. In addition to this, Air Canada has also recently decided to crack down on the size of the baggage that a passenger is carrying on to the plane, meaning that if the carry on luggage is too large, the passenger will not only be forced to check the bag, but they may have to pay the $25 fee for it.

Obviously, people have been extremely upset and annoyed by this sudden change in Air Canada’s leniency on its baggage policy, and are not afraid to voice their opinions on the policy’s swift implementation to the staff. This is where the lesson from Zappos comes in handy.download

As I read in class 19 prep, Zappos is highly dedicated to providing top notch customer service, with employees who genuinely believe in the core values of the company. They go through rigorous customer service training, allowing them to truly learn how to handle angry and unsettled customers. If Air Canada was able to implement a similar strategy, there is no doubt that the backlash on both the crack down on baggage size and the $25 fee would be minimized, as the staff would have the skills to diffuse tense situations with the upset customers. download

Similarly, Air Canada could learn from Zappos’ implementation of incentives that keep employees dedicated to their jobs and willing to put up with unpleasant customers, such as 100% health care coverage, life insurance, free food at work etc. Ultimately, staff who are treated well by the companies they work for, and fully believe in and support the work they do, will act far more passionately towards customers, and will not shy away from any opportunity to make the customer service experience for the shopper a memorable one.


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