E-cigarettes glamorize smoking




E- Cigarettes, otherwise known as electronic cigarettes, are currently a newfound trend for teenagers. Supposedly, these cigarettes are a “healthy” alternative to smoking cigarettes because its health effects remain unknown to the public. Nonetheless, it raises concerns for parents including experts who are skeptical about the safety of this product. How can a product producing a substance that resembles tobacco smoke be harmless? Despite its lack of reports since 2009, the risks involved have never been published.   

Acting in a righteous manner, the company advocates the nicotine-free version of this product. Consequently, the possible safety issues are overlooked. This is a common ethical issue addressed in Freeman’s Stakeholder Theory. There are businesses who do not act as “good citizens in the community” because they neglect the “quality of life” and disregard their “effects on civil society”. As a result, these businesses end up being “regulated into decline”. (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bIRUaLcvPe8) This can be seen for parents are now voicing their concerns, which raises awareness regarding the potential threats associated with e-cigarettes. As health services departments look further in depth into this product, we will soon observe the predictable decline of an unethical business.



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