Monthly Archives: October 2012

Zealous, Alert, Rad, Ambitious

As other companies begin to forecast for the upcoming season, Zara has already sold its latest designs and is moving on to next week’s display. Stated by Devangshu Dutta, speed plays a role in Zara’s “winning formula”. To acquire speed, … Continue reading

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Step Away from “The Dark Side”

  When we think of business, we relate it to a model that focuses primarily on maximizing profit and omitting “social benefit”. “Social enterprise” is a newly exposed field that differentiates from the standard profit-driven businesses. Opposed to “making money”, … Continue reading

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Target aims for the Bullseye

  By now, Target’s “friendly invasion” into Canada is well known after its purchase of the “rights to 220 Zellers leases”. Moving beyond the battleground in US, many factors affect Target’s future success in Canada.  Based on “Porter’s five forces”, … Continue reading

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Same Product, Same Location: One rises = One falls

Sally Gao’s blog on Qoola and Yogen Fruz has prompted me to look further in depth regarding “points of difference”. Generally speaking, competitions between companies are sparked by similar products. Once again, using Qoola and Yogen Fruz as an example, … Continue reading

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Know You (not)

Recently, I found an interesting blog by Hank Blank covering the topic: networking. One particular entry, called “It’s not about who you know. It’s about who knows you”, caught my attention because I recalled this phrase being mentioned during class. … Continue reading

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Position for the “Next Big Thing”

Apple is or was known as the “cool underdog”, who blew the world away with its innovations. When people think of Apple, they think of iPhone or iPad. At a glance, it appears that Apple was the first company to … Continue reading

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