Same Product, Same Location: One rises = One falls

Satisfy your craving

Sally Gao’s blog on Qoola and Yogen Fruz has prompted me to look further in depth regarding “points of difference”. Generally speaking, competitions between companies are sparked by similar products. Once again, using Qoola and Yogen Fruz as an example, it is clear that both brands share a standardized “frame of reference”. First, consider yourself as a regular customer. How can your craving for a mouth-watering frozen yogurt be satisfied? You have the option to either pick from a menu or to self-serve. Which seems more appealing?

For most customers, they lean towards the self-serving option because it grants the freedom that a menu lacks. Qoola managed to create a “unique brand association” by accommodating the consumers’ need for “flexibility”.  Therefore, accommodation is the key behind a “compelling point of difference”. Contrary to Yogen Fruz, Qoola understands that consumers enjoy flexibility along with a soothing environment. It targets the community through their “mission[s]”: “pure heart, pure body, all natural and recyclable containers”. Remember: A product may be sold at the same price, at the same amount, at the same location; however, the difference lies in how they please their customers.

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