About Me

Hello, my name is Harvey Dhaliwal and I am in the process of completing my second degree in computer science. Prior to enrolling in this program, I completed my Bachelor of Science degree at UBC, specializing in biology. Outside of school, I like to play basketball, listen to music, and write in my journal. I am an avid fountain pen enthusiast and enjoy collecting pens, inks, and notebooks from around the world. I also enjoy hiking and spending time outdoors, especially in the beautiful BC summers.

Throughout my previous degree I explored many different career paths, however I was never able to settle on a specific field. Upon graduation, I pursued a legal education and studied diligently for the LSAT. I performed well enough to be admitted to a few Canadian law schools, and even accepted an offer.

However, it was during this time that my interest in computing science and software development also began to grow. This interest largely stemmed from my employment as a special education assistant at a local non-profit society dedicated to empowering Canadians with disabilities through technology. During my time there I was exposed to various assistive technologies, both hardware and software based, that created new possibilities for people with disabilities. For example, I helped teach an individual with physical impairments how to use his computer using only his voice. I was amazed by the incredible possibilities that software holds and was motivated to explore ways that I could contribute to making the world more accessible.

I ultimately decided to forego law school in favour of the BCS program at UBC, and I couldn’t be happier with my decision. I am looking forward to expanding my software development knowledge as my studies progress, and I hope to one day collaborate with others to create or improve on assistive technologies.