Best Works

Definitions Assignment

This definitions assignment involved creating a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition of a relatively complex term with appropriate detail and complexity for a non-technical reader. My ability to explain difficult concepts in an easy to understand way was strengthened through this assignment.


Peer Review of Definitions Assignment

The peer review of definitions assignment focused on providing useful feedback to a partner. This required me to analyze my partner’s writing style and content for strengths and weaknesses. My attention to detail and ability to provide suggestions for improvement in a positive manner were developed through this.


Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

The formal report report proposal required me to brainstorm a problem that exists in a public setting I am familiar with, and draft a research proposal directed towards the professor. I chose to investigate check-in procedures at North Delta Recreation Centre, and come up with solutions for queueing procedures and wristband use.

Formal Report Proposal

The progress report was directed to the professor in memorandum format. It required me to outline the core details of the report, including the audience, purpose, objectives, research plan, and writing schedule.

Progress Report

As part of the progress report, I had to design my survey and questionnaire questions along with ethical introductions for both. The questions had to be framed in a positive way which avoided bias.

Survey and Questionnaire:

These assignments helped me develop my organization and planning skills, which are essential for large projects.


Proposal Memo

For the proposal memorandum I had to summarize the contents of my formal report proposal. This assignment developed my ability to distill large amounts of information into concise, detailed, and informative points.


LinkedIn Best Practices Memo

The LinkedIn best practices memo required me to research the most valuable tips for creating a successful online professional presence on LinkedIn. Through drafting this assignment, I learned valuable information on how to maximize my ability to establish meaningful connections on LinkedIn.


Memo to Evan Crisp

In the memo to Evan Crisp, I was tasked with giving advice to a student emailing a professor to obtain a seat in their course. This assignment introduced me to the you-attitude, a writing style which emphasizes the benefits to the reader in a courteous and approachable fashion.


Complaint Letter and Response Letter

In the complaint letter, I first assumed the role of a complainant who was not happy with the service they received at a restaurant. I then had to assume the role of the restaurant manager who had to respond with bad news without antagonizing the complainant. This assignment developed my skills in communicating bad news effectively and how to write business letters.


Peer Review of Formal Report

In this final peer review, I had to analyze my partners completed draft of their formal report to provide feedback on the strengths and areas for improvement. This task required me to thoroughly investigate my partner’s writing style, content, organization, and adherence to the guidelines. This skill can be transferable to tasks like code reviews or debugging.