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Peer Review of Formal Report

To Nicole White, ENGL 301 Student
From: Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student
Peer Review: “Feasibility of Implementing a Website for Piquant Gourmet Specialities”

First Impressions: Thank you for your excellent work on the project draft, “Feasibility of Implementing a Website for Piquant Gourmet Specialities”. The document provides a compelling argument for Piquant to develop a website, and an informative review of the different options available. Your recommendation of choosing Squarespace as the website platform is realistic based on the reader’s constraints. Please see below for your peer review.

Organization and Layout:

  • excellent organization and easy to read layout
  • text blocks are arranged well, avoiding large chunks
  • complete with most components:
    • Title page
    • Running header
    • Table of contents
    • Page numbers
    • Headings and subheadings
  • adding a list of figures and tables below the table of contents would make it easier to find visuals


  • effectively introduces the background information and main areas of focus
  • concise sentence structure with excellent flow of ideas between points
  • considering alternative word use, “attitudes” rather than “behaviors” would be more suitable
    • “Public’s behaviors towards websites” (pg. 1, para. 3, line 2)
  • ensuring consistent capitalization of “Piquant”
    • “Is a website for piquant feasible?” (pg. 2, para. 2, bullet 1)


  • figures effectively convey important findings
  • excellent objective analysis of data
  • rewording/removing sentences for brevity and clarity
    • “Finally, figure 3 shows the last question” (pg. 3, para. 2, line 1) can be combined or replaced with the sentence that follows.
    • “… also save money for the brand and products” (pg. 4, para. 3, lines 4-5) can be reworded for clarity (how does it save money for products?)
  • establishing consistency in how survey data is stated (percentage vs absolute numbers) would help make the information easier to understand and absorb
    • switches from percentage to absolute numbers (pg. 3, para. 2)
  • clarifying jargon, expanding on ideas
    • what is bounce rate, and how can knowing these analytics benefit Piquant? (pg. 5, para. 2)
    • what is meant by “hands-off approach”? (pg. 6, para. 2, line 2)
      • would hiring an independent developer mean Piquant is not involved in the website building process at all, or involved less? What would they still need to do specifically if anything?
  • Costs
    • expansive and informed discussion of different options
    • Domain registration costs
      • are the prices variable depending on what name is chosen? Are the dollar amounts listed just examples?
      • if they are variable, it may be worthwhile to look up some potential domain names and their prices on the different websites listed
      • this way you can cite the primary source directly rather than secondary website sources and get more relevant information
    • E-commerce:
      • it is stated in the desired features section that e-commerce is not the main focus of the website. However, it seems that the pre-order feature requires a paid upgrade to e-commerce functionality
      • clarifying what is meant by e-commerce in this context (ex. beyond just pre-ordering?) would be helpful
      • considering implementing e-commerce beyond pre-ordering, if the functionality is already paid for, may be beneficial
    • Initial development costs:
      • incorporating this information into the individual sections titled “hiring a web developer” and “online self-services” would help avoid repetition and improve clarity
    • Design Options
      • outlining the difference between normal and premium themes in terms of costs and benefit to the business would make this section more informative


  • Summary and Interpretation of Findings
    • concise, informative summary
  • Recommendations
    • discussing Piquant’s capacity in terms of budget (if possible) would assist in assessing which options are feasible
    • is Squarespace going to be used for domain registration too? Or only for the website hosting?
    • expanding on why Squarespace is the best option with brief justification would help further the argument


  • utilizes a wide variety of sources
  • reviewing the citations (in-text and reference list) to ensure they are in MLA format
    • Purdue OWL is an excellent resource
  • clearly differentiating original information and information from cited sources
    • splitting Ellice citation (pg. 4, para. 3, lines 2-4) into two sentences clarifies what ideas are being cited and what are your own.


  • positive tone and you-attitude used throughout
  • sentences are well constructed and clear
  • proofreading the entire document and fixing grammatical errors is recommended, for example:
    • “‘contact form” (pg. 5, para. 3, line 2)
    • “website analytics is also important” (pg. 5, para. 3, line 9)
    • “Choosing one depending on the specifications, the appearance, and the budget for the desired website.” (pg. 5, para. 1, line 6)
  • reviewing table and figure label/reference format (see pg. 503 of text)

Concluding Comments:

The draft is largely complete, informative, and well organized. The information presented is relevant to the purpose of the document, and the benefit for the reader is clear. Please see below for a summary of suggested revisions:

  • rewording/removing sentences for brevity
  • expanding on ideas and clarifying stated information with details
  • proofreading for grammatical errors
  • reviewing title and figure labeling format
  • reviewing citations to match MLA format

Overall, you have done an excellent job with this draft. Please let me know if you have any questions, thank you.

Draft Link:

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Complaint and Response Letters

Complaint Letter

843 Smith Street
Vancouver, BC V4C5J6

July 15, 2022

Mr. John Appleseed, Manager
Charlie Don’t Surf
15011 Marine Drive
White Rock, BC V4B 1C3

Dear Mr. Appleseed,

My partner and I dined at your restaurant this evening, and I would like to share some concerns regarding our experience. We arrived at 6:25PM for our 6:30PM reservation and waited patiently to be served at the entrance. After ten minutes of waiting, we politely asked a server if we could be seated. The server responded using a rude tone, telling us to wait outside in the walk-In lineup although we had a reservation. This made us feel uncomfortable and unwelcome at your restaurant.

After waiting for fifteen minutes outside, we were greeted kindly by another server and directed to our table. We ordered two beers and nachos as an appetizer, which took over thirty minutes to arrive. When the nachos arrived, they were cold and burnt. We waited for a server to check in with us, however no one approached our table. After this unsatisfactory experience, we paid our bill and left.

I recognize that the restaurant industry is severely short staffed at the moment, and that the servers were doing their best to manage the rush. Considering our experience at your restaurant, I request that we please be refunded our bill of $40.52. Thank you for taking the time to consider these concerns. I hope to hear from you soon.


Harvey Dhaliwal


Response Letter

Charlie Don’t Surf
15011 Marine Drive
White Rock, BC V4B 1C3

July 18, 2022

Mr. Harbir Dhaliwal
843 Smith Street
Vancouver, BC V4C5J6

Dear Mr. Dhaliwal,

Thank you for contacting me regarding your unsatisfactory experience at Charlie Don’t Surf. On behalf of the entire team, I would like to sincerely apologize for this. We strive to deliver an outstanding customer experience, which I recognize you did not receive on your recent visit.  I will personally share your feedback with the staff to ensure this does not happen again.

I understand your frustration with your dining experience and agree that you are entitled to compensation. Considering your dissatisfaction with the nachos specifically, we would like to offer you a refund for your appetizer totalling $21.45. Upon your approval, this amount will be refunded to your credit card immediately and should appear on your records within three to five business days.

We hope that you give us another chance to serve you at the high level we expect of our restaurant. If you have any further questions or comments, please send me an email at or give me a call at 778-123-1234.


John Appleseed

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Memo To Evan Crisp


To: Evan Crisp, UBC Student

From: Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 14, 2022

Subject: Best Practices for E-mailing Professors Regarding Enrolment in a Full Course


Please see below for a list of recommended best practices for e-mailing professors to obtain a seat in a full course.

  • Using student email enhances professionalism and helps the professor identify university affiliation.
  • Including a descriptive subject line makes it more likely that the email will be read. It also helps easily identify the purpose of the email.
  • Using a professional salutation and signature establishes a respectful tone.
  • Including necessary information only makes the e-mail more concise and easier to read. Suggested information includes the purpose of the message, clear and reasonable justification for the request, and relevant personal identifiers (full name, student number, program of study etc.).
  • Using a friendly tone to make requests and thanking the professor for their time and consideration increases the likelihood that they will respond favourably.
  • Reviewing formatting and grammar demonstrates professionalism and thoughtfulness in the correspondence.

Making use of these tips in your e-mail should help with getting into the course. Please send me an e-mail at if you have any further questions, thank you.

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LinkedIn Best Practices Memo


To: Nicole’s Team, ENGL 301 Writing Group

From: Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 5, 2022

Subject: Memo Concerning LinkedIn Best Practices

Please see below for a summary of my research on LinkedIn best practices:

  • Fully completing your profile: Utilizing LinkedIn’s capabilities to provide your readers with ample information about yourself.
  • Composing an outstanding summary: Grabbing your readers’ attention by outlining your skills, experiences, and ambitions.
  • Adding details to your job history: In addition to job titles, listing details of your duties and notable achievements.
  • Establishing more connections: Establishing 500+ connections increases the number of people who see your activity on LinkedIn, effectively enhancing your chances of establishing relevant connections.
  • Engaging with content: Liking and commenting on posts showcases your interests and increases your visibility to strangers and existing connections.
  • Posting content: Posting professional content related to personal projects and experiences.
  • Joining groups: Joining groups of networks you are/have been associated with (ex. your university) can expand your connections.
  • Providing/Requesting endorsements: Endorsements from professional contacts are a way to highlight your skills and enhance the authenticity of your profile.
  • Researching connections: Analyzing the profiles of companies and individuals to learn more about them before communicating.
  • Seeking information: Connecting with contacts to receive information and guidance rather than only seeking employment.

I hope that this information is useful to you. Please contact me if you would like to discuss the contents of my memorandum further.

Works Cited

“How to Expand your network on LinkedIn.” McMaster University, Accessed 5 July 2022.

“How to Network on LinkedIn.” LinkedIn, 2013,—How-to-Network-for-Students.pdf.

Kurtuy, Andrei. “How to Network on LinkedIn – 7 Proven Tips for 2022.” Novorésumé, Accessed 5 July 2022.

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Proposal Memo


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student

Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Summary of Formal Report Proposal for Improving Check-in Procedures at North Delta Recreation Centre

I would like to inform you that I have posted my formal report proposal on my team forum (Team Nicole) as requested. The contents of the proposal are summarized as follows:

  • Introduction: The North Delta Recreation Centre requires visitors to wait in a centralized queue and wear plastic wristbands.
  • Statement of Problems: The check-in lineup is inefficient, and plastic wristband usage is wasteful.
  • Audience: Carmen Gonzalez, Director of Delta Parks, Recreation, and Culture.
  • Proposed Solutions: Creation of an automated check-in station and elimination of wristbands in favour of computerized systems.
  • Scope: User attitudes, impacts of current system, organizational limitations and processes, viable alternatives to wristbands and current queuing procedures.
  • Methods: Facility user survey, interview/questionnaire with director, literature search, research of other facilities and their systems.
  • My Qualifications: Lifetime Delta resident, frequent facility visitor, strong familiarity with user experience.
  • Conclusion: I hope the suggestions can be adopted by the facility to improve organizational efficiency and user experience.

Thank you for taking note of my memorandum, I look forward to hearing your feedback on my proposal.

Enclosure: 301 Harvey Dhaliwal Report Proposal

301 Harvey Dhaliwal Report Proposal

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Survey Questions


Hello, I am an undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia conducting this survey for a course project. The purpose of this survey is to collect information from users of the North Delta Recreation Centre to provide recommendations for the improvement of current check-in procedures. The completed report will be presented to Carmen Gonzalez, the Director of Delta Parks, Recreation and Culture. This survey contains 10 questions and should take approximately three to five minutes to complete. Your responses are voluntary and anonymous. Thank you for participating in this survey.

  • How many days on average per week do you visit the North Delta Recreation Centre?
    • Slider from 0-7 inclusive
  • At what time of day do you usually visit?
    • Afternoon
    • Evening
  • Please select which description best applies to you
    • Drop-in visitor
    • Pass holder
  • How long, on average, do you currently wait in line?
    • Slider from 0-15 inclusive
  • How satisfied are you with the current line-up system?
    • Extremely unsatisfied
    • Somewhat unsatisfied
    • Neither satisfied nor unsatisfied
    • Somewhat satisfied
    • Extremely satisfied
  • How often do you wear the provided wristband?
    • Always
    • Most of the time
    • About half the time
    • Sometimes
    • Never
  • How comfortable are the wristbands?
    • Extremely uncomfortable
    • Somewhat uncomfortable
    • Neither comfortable nor uncomfortable
    • Somewhat comfortable
    • Extremely comfortable
  • How easy are the wristbands to apply and remove?
    • Extremely difficult
    • Somewhat difficult
    • Neither easy nor difficult
    • Somewhat easy
    • Extremely easy
  • How do you normally dispose of your wristband?
    • Garbage
    • Recycling
    • Other
  • Would you support methods for visitor identification other than wristbands?
    • Strongly disagree
    • Somewhat disagree
    • Neither agree nor disagree
    • Somewhat agree
    • Strongly agree





I am an undergraduate student at the University of British Columbia conducting this questionnaire for a course project. The purpose of this questionnaire is to collect information to provide recommendations for the improvement of current check-in procedures at North Delta Recreation Centre. This includes queueing systems and the use of wristbands. A facility user survey will also be conducted to poll user experiences and attitudes towards the current system. The completed report will be provided to you with the aim of outlining possible changes to enhance operational efficiency, sustainability, and user experience.

This questionnaire includes five questions, and all responses are voluntary. Responses can be written directly as an email reply. Thank you for participating in this questionnaire, your time is greatly appreciated. If you have any questions or comments, please reply to this e-mail.


  1. How many wristbands are used annually, and what is the cost associated with acquiring them?
  1. What material are the wristbands made of (ex. Tyvek), and are they easily recyclable in Delta?
  1. What are some of the reasons why the North Delta Recreation Centre continues to use wristbands to identify visitors?
  1. Have any alternatives to wristband use been proposed or trialed? If so, why were they not adopted?
  1. Have any alternatives to current queueing systems been proposed or trialed? If so, why were they not adopted? For example, using automated check-in gates for existing pass holders.

Kind regards,

Harvey Dhaliwal

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Progress Report


To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENGL 301 Instructor

From: Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student

Date: July 8, 2022

Subject: 301 Progress Report: Improving Check-in Procedures at North Delta Recreation Centre



The purpose of the report is to analyze the current issues with the check-in procedures at North Delta Recreation Centre, and to provide suggestions for improving line-up systems and eliminating wristbands.


The report will be addressed to the Director of Delta Parks, Recreation and Culture Carmen Gonzalez.


The report and resulting recommendations will help the director identify methods of reducing the facility’s environmental footprint while improving customer satisfaction.

Data/Information Collection

  • Primary Data Sources:
    • An online survey to determine facility users’ attitudes towards current operations and possible changes
    • An e-mail questionnaire to Carmen Gonzalez with the purpose gathering information on current procedures and previously attempted alternatives.
  • Secondary Data Sources:
    • Research the environmental impacts of plastic wristband use
    • Explore alternatives to wristbands

Research Plan

  • Utilize survey data to identify problems with current check-in system and wristband use
  • Visualize the survey data using graphical illustrations (ex. bar charts)
  • Outline main problems in detail, using survey results as support
  • Conduct research and observe other facilities (ex. gyms) to find possible solutions
  • Use the results of the Carmen Gonzalez e-mail questionnaire to choose solutions that are feasible and have not been previously attempted
  • Outline one or more possible solutions to queuing procedures
  • Outline one or more possible solutions to wristband use

Writing Schedule 

July 22 – Formal Report Draft

  • Week of July 10
    • finalize survey and interview questions, distribute (survey period ends July 15)
    • send e-mail questionnaire to Carmen Gonzalez
    • preliminary research on wristband usage and alternative systems
    • fill in outline with more details
  • Week of July 17
    • analyze primary data, compose bar graph of results
    • expand on preliminary research, use data to find appropriate solutions
    • write draft using detailed outline as a guide

July 27 – Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

  • Week of July 24
    • complete peer-review of partner’s submission

August 2 – Formal Report

  • Week of July 24 to August 2
    • self-edit draft in accordance with peer review feedback
    • refine illustrations
    • complete abstract, appendices, and final list of references

Enclosure: Director Questionnaire

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Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson

From: Harvey Dhaliwal

Date: June 22, 2022

Subject: Proposal for Improving Check-in Procedures at North Delta Recreation Centre



The North Delta Recreation Centre is a large, newly expanded multi-purpose recreation facility located in North Delta, British Columbia. It features a hockey rink, curling rink, weight room, gymnasium, and outdoor pool. Each day, many residents visit the North Delta Recreation Centre and are required to complete a face-to-face check-in procedure with a facility employee. This procedure involves first waiting in a queue for an available attendant, scanning your facility card, and receiving your wristband. This is a standard process which pass holders, new registrants, and drop in visitors must complete.

Statement of Problems

Although the facility has recently renovated its online program sign-up process, the check-in process could be improved. Firstly, all individuals are required to wait in the same line-up regardless of their needs. For example, a person who holds a monthly pass and simply needs to scan in is forced to wait behind someone who wants to learn more about the available programs. This, coupled with the limitation of only up to two check-in stations, can cause unnecessary delays during busy periods.

The second problem is the use of plastic wristbands to identify all visitors. While many facilities and fitness centres no longer use wristbands, North Delta Recreation Centre continues to enforce them. The colour and pattern of the wristband varies daily, to ensure that the visitor has paid for that specific day. This system creates unnecessary waste and environmental harm considering the bands are single use. Further, it is unclear where and how these bands should be disposed of as there is no clearly labeled receptacle in the facility. The use of plastic wristbands also creates added difficulty for those with limited finger and hand dexterity. They are cumbersome to put on as they require two hands and can only be sized once. Individuals on the autism spectrum, children, and seniors may struggle to wear them comfortably and without individualized support.


North Delta Recreation Centre is operated by the City of Delta. The report will be addressed to the Director of Delta Parks, Recreation and Culture Carmen Gonzalez.

Proposed Solutions

The proposed solution for queueing involves creating an automated check-in station or gate for individuals who hold a facility pass or are pre-registered for a program. Those who require further assistance may still speak with an attendant without causing delays.

One option for eliminating wristbands is to have the employees monitor who is inside the facility and eligible for certain programs using a computerized visitor attendance system. An attendant is already present in each facility, so they could scan the visitor’s card and confirm their eligibility.


The following questions will be addressed in the research and report:

  1. What are the facility users’ current experiences with the check-in procedure and wristband use?
  2. Is there a more efficient system which can be used for check-in?
  3. What are the organization’s reasons for continuing wristband use, and have they considered or tried alternatives?
  4. What is the logistical and ecological impact of the wristbands?
  5. What are some feasible alternatives to wristband use?


The collection of primary data will include a survey and questionnaire. Facility users will be asked to complete an online survey which polls their experiences and attitudes towards proposed changes. Surveys will be distributed through online community forums. The Director of Parks and Recreation will also be contacted via email questionnaire to learn more about their current process and organizational limitations. This will include questions that pertain to possible solutions the organization has tried to implement in the past for both queueing and wristband use.

Secondary sources will be consulted to gather information on the ecological impact of plastic wristbands, if available. Further research may also be conducted to determine how other facilities operate without the use of wristbands.

My Qualifications

I have been a resident of Delta my entire life and have used Delta recreation facilities countless times. I have been using the North Delta Recreation Centre facilities consistently for over three years, and currently visit multiple times a week. I am familiar with their processes from a user’s perspective and have many anecdotal experiences from which this project was inspired. I am motivated to help improve their processes for the benefit of the organization and fellow Delta residents.


The current check-in process at North Delta Recreation Centre can be made more efficient, accessible, and ecologically conscious. Through gathering data from community members and the organization directly, the scope of the project can be addressed. The final report will provide the organization with valuable information and feasible suggestions for improvement. I look forward to starting this project upon your review and approval.

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Peer Review of Definitions Assignment

To Dale Miller, ENGL 301 Student

From : Harvey Dhaliwal, ENGL 301 Student

Peer Review / Term: Standup


First Impressions:

The assignment was excellent overall. It was well organized, informative, and addresses the situation appropriately. Some suggestions have been provided for improvement below.


  • Thoughtfully laid out, well organized structure.
  • Excellent use of bolded headings to label each definition type.


  • Clearly states the purpose of the assignment and criteria.
  • Reading situation is stated, the level of detail and language used is appropriate.


  • Parenthetical definition is easy to understand and provides context for a situation where the term can be used.
  • Perhaps removing “our” from the definition would make it more generalized.
  • Sentence definition is informative and flows well.
  • Replacing the term “blockers” with a more commonly understood term may provide more clarity. Are “blockers” specifically people, resources, or any hinderances at all?

Expansion Methods:

  • Four expansion methods: Operating Principle, Visuals, Required Conditions, and Examples are clearly present.
  • Presentation of three required conditions is particularly helpful and informative.
  • Use of Agile framework as an example for where standups are used is excellent.


  • Some components (scrum master, burn down/up chart) are not immediately relevant and not explained in the text.
  • An image more specific to standups specifically may be more appropriate and beneficial, rather than focusing on the Agile framework.
  • Placing the visual in the expanded definition would be more appropriate.


  • Professionally written, any use of specialized terms is clearly explained (ex. sprints).
  • Some areas can be edited for conciseness, in both cases the two words used are similar enough to choose just one:
    • Expanded definition paragraph 3, line 4 (“advice or input”)
    • Expanded definition paragraph 3, line 5 (“concerns or problems”)
  • The final sentence of the third paragraph in the expanded definition can be shortened and broken into two sentences to clarify which idea is being cited.

Works Cited:

  • Formatting of webpages in reference list is not consistent with MLA or APA format.
  • Titles should be placed in quotations while website names should be italicized in MLA format, refer to Purdue OWL MLA or APA guide for useful information.

Concluding Comments:

  • Visual more specific to standups would enhance clarity
  • Revising for conciseness suggested
  • Reworking citations to match MLA or APA style (see above)

It was a pleasure reviewing your assignment and learning more about this term which was previously foreign to me. I hope that you found my comments useful. If you would like to discuss any of my points further, please feel free to contact me.



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Definitions Assignment


This assignment is focused on creating a parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definition of a relatively complex term. It is directed at a non-specialized reader for the purpose of providing a general understanding.

Parenthetical Definition

An angioplasty (surgical clearing of blocked blood vessel) was needed after the patient suffered a heart attack.

Sentence Definition

An angioplasty is a surgical procedure performed to clear a blood vessel blockage. A small ballooning device is inserted into the blood vessel to restore normal blood flow.

Expanded Definition

Where does it come from?

The term angioplasty is a compound of two etymons, angio- and -plasty (Oxford English Dictionary [OED], 2021). The etymon angio- is of Latin origin, and it is commonly used in words that refer to blood or vessels in the body (OED, 2020a). Further, -plasty has roots in ancient Greek and is used in terms relating to moulding or shaping bodily components (OED, 2020b). It is often used in the names of other surgeries such as rhinoplasty, which is a procedure that alters the shape of the nose. When considered together, angio- and -plasty can be clearly understood as a procedure which alters the blood vessels.

What is the history?

The first angioplasty was performed in the 1960s by Dotter and Judkins, although some of the techniques used can be dated back to 300 B.C. (Mueller & Sanborn, 1994). In this procedure, thin tubes of increasing diameters were used to expand a narrowed artery and improve blood flow (Dotter & Judkins, 1964).

How does it work?

In recent times, angioplasty has become more sophisticated. A catheter (flexible tube) is inserted into the affected blood vessel and a balloon is inflated until appropriate blood flow is restored (Grines et al., 1999). The subsequent use of a stent (tube used to reinforce blood vessel) has been shown to produce more favourable post-operative results than angioplasty alone (Grines et al., 1999).


Figure 1.  The process of angioplasty using a catheter, balloon, and stent to remove blockage caused by arterial plaque. From [Labeled diagram of angioplasty with stent], by Johns Hopkins Medicine, (


Dotter, C. T., & Judkins, M. P. (1964). Transluminal treatment of arteriosclerotic obstruction. Description of a new technic and a preliminary report of its application. Circulation, 30(5), 654-670.

Grines, C. L., Cox, D. A., Stone, G. W., Garcia, E., Mattos, L. A., Giambartolomei, A., Brodie, B. R., Madonna, O., Eijgelshoven, M., Lansky, A. J., O’Neill, W. W., & Morice, M. (1999). Coronary angioplasty with or without stent implantation for acute myocardial infarction. The New England Journal of Medicine, 341(26), 1949-1956.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (n.d.).  [Labeled diagram of angioplasty with stent].

Mueller, R. L., & Sanborn, T. A. (1995). The history of interventional cardiology: Cardiac catheterization, angioplasty, and related interventions. The American Heart Journal, 129(1), 146-172.

Oxford English Dictionary. (2020a). Angio-, comb. form. In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from

Oxford English Dictionary. (2020b). -plasty, comb. form. In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from

Oxford English Dictionary. (2021). Angioplasty, n. In Oxford English Dictionary Online. Retrieved June 8, 2022, from

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