Fool or Genius?

Snapchat, photo messaging application on smartphones, is a fast developing company that has a completely new concept compared to Facebook and Twitter. There was a surprising news that its CEO, Evan Spiegel, “turning down a $3 billion offer from Facebook (FB) and then a $ 4 billion bid from Google (GOOG).” Is his choice of turning down offers a clever idea?

In my opinion, I think the answer is yes since Snapchat has an idea that is so different from other social networking sites, it should go in the unique way and keep its company seperated from Facebook and Google. Moreover, there is a potential that Facebook or other companies are going to offer a better deal to Snapchat since it has so many aspects that Facebook does not have.

There will obviously be a reason that he turned down the offers. He would have a specific plan for his future. For a business to succeed, it has to make a big opportunity cost for the better and I strongly believe that Snapchat will succeed just like or more than Facebook in the future.


women and men in a workplace…

When people work in a close relationships in organizations, it is hard to be just a friend with co-workers. Since people spend most of their time in work, it is harder to avoid falling in love in work sites. However, these relationships does not always bring happiness. There are many things that can go wrong.

As every human being has a perception, it will be hard to avoid other co-workers’ shady perceptions of couples. If one of the couple is not productive in work, everyone will think that it is because he is dating. Like this, it is easier to be the target of many co-workers.

Moreover, sometimes there are power distances between many employees, managers use this power to  harass co-workers.

Even though this can be a trivial matter, it is always best to look at these issues. There should be a clear policy regarding harassment and dating so that everybody has a strict boundary.


Re: technological Advances

It is surprising how more products are created and threatens the existing products. As in Clarence Lam’s Blog, there is an increase in demand for e-cigarettes since real cigarettes are considered unhealthy. E-cigarettes provide nicotine that does not contain toxins from burning tobacco and people think it is a good substitute. I agree that e-cigarette is a product that maybe is successful because of its technological aspect. However, I am going to approach this topic differently.

In my analysis, I do not agree with Clarence on that e-cigarette will decrease the sales of cigarettes because, first, the price is higher than the actual cigarette and many people will not be able to afford it. Second, people do not get the satisfaction they get from the real cigarette and refuse to smoke e-cigarette. If people worried about their health more than satisfaction, they would have not smoked in the first place and, in my opinion, e-cigarette is just another substitute not a replacement. Therefore, it is not true that advancement in e-cigarette will not stop people buying addictive cigarettes.

Re: Zuckerberg’s dream: Internet for all those in the world without access

In Ziyue Han (Dennie)’s Blog, I read an amazing post about Zuckerburg and his goals. Zuckerburg’s actions towards providing internet and computers to third world countries to solve the health problems. I agree with Dennie that creating CPR is an important factor that every company should keep in mind. By taking an action, Zuckerburg is able to enhance Facebook’s brand image and identity and further is able to promulgate Facebook worldwide.

Although this action can raise criticisms that third world nations would not need computers and internet but basic needs, however, some companies does not even care about what is going on outside of their company. For this reason, it is ethical that Zuckerburg strengthens company’ value.

Furthermore, Zuckerburg is looking at a long term future for Facebook as providing internet and computers indirectly promote Facebook in different countries and in the future everyone will know the brand name “Facebook.”

As mentioned in class, we can see that money is not the everything that company should value. To further increase the quality of the brand, it is essential for every organization to embrace ethical values and CPR.

I want a Happy Meal!

I remember the time when I would always ask my parents to get me the happy meals so that I can get those little toys…  But as I grew up I realized that it was all Mcdonald’s strategy to target customers aged from 6-13. Now the world’s biggest fast-food chain is partnering with National Football League (NFL rush zone), a TV program that is starting a new season on Nickelodeon.

NFL is providing 32 characters that will be offered with happy meals so that NFL can target 6-13 year old children to watch their program.

In my opinion, it is a good choice that NFL sponsored Mcdonald’s because many parents worry that their children are watching football since playing this sport can cause concussions and brain damage but if the characters are distributed with happy meals, children will be able to know about NFL and watch the program. This will be a strength of NFL that will be differentiated from other competitors!

People watch the New York Giants' Victory Parade from a McDonalds' window on Feb. 7, 2012


Harvard Business Review: just another University Blogs

In Harvard Business Review, there are many blogs posted just like we do in our Comm 101 class. Here, there are many interesting posts about businesses and helps you get ideas and get to know about the news more deeply. I recommend this blog home page because it gives you more explanation about the contents we learned in class such as porter’s five forces, and Business Canvas Model.

If you are having trouble understanding the concept or wants to know more about what we cover in class, Harvard Business Review is a good place to read blogs. Furthermore, this blog site has case studies that are categorized into different parts such as marketing, Finance, Organizational Behaviour and General Management so people can go and see the cases that they are interested in. If you are having trouble with anything, visit this website where many blogs are posted and get inspired!!

The shutdown

The shutdown is continued for its eighth date and the five hundred stocks went down by 0.4%. “On Monday, the Dow fell 136.34 points, or 0.9%, to 14,936.24 and the S&P 500 slumped 14.38 points, or 0.9%, to 1,676.12. The Nasdaq dropped 37.38 points, or 1%, to 3,770.38.” The investors want some kind of protection until  the shutdown ends because if this continues to October 17th, the stocks are expected to fall even more.


In my analysis, the investors does not need to worry too much on falling stocks because the third-quarter earning season is soon coming and the analysts are expecting the rise of earnings compared to last year’s. Moreover, it is obvious that the stocks go down and it is only temporary so when the shutdown is over, the stocks will go back to where they were before.

Who is next?

During the lecture on financial accounting, there was a talk about Interbrand and Apple was the best global brand in 2013, surpassing Coca-cola, which has been in a first place since 2000; The reason for this is Apple’s uniqueness and variety of its products that all of the products are loved by consumers consistently. However, the rankings change every year and there is a threat to Apple in many ways. Samsung’s smartphone series are placing Samsung as a rival to Apple so it should strive towards slowing the Samsung’s momentum. Moreover, Apple should keep thinking differently so that it will not end up like a Blackberry that went out of the top 100 list this year.

Furthermore, it s always important to create new ideas and following with the trend so that it does not get forgotten by customers. For example, a huge company which sold films for camera came to bankruptcy in 2012 because it was not following the trend of digital camera. Therefore, companies have to develop to continue to have a relationship with their consumers. Otherwise, a company can be a targeted to go down in the rankings among competitive brands.

Listen and strive to be better company

Brand positioning is a really important factor to be considered when a company strives toward a better reputation among customers. For an example, Volvo is the safest car that places in consumer’s mind which makes this company to have better reputation. However, companies sometimes thinks that “you can tell a better story without actually becoming a better company.”

Companies sometimes has to listen to its critics on how to unlock the perspective of consumer’s mind. It is not always the goods and services that they have to fix but it is the opinions from the consumers that they have to listen to with an open mind. The problem with some companies is that they do not listen to the advice but tries to go against criticisms. Even though the criticism may harm the reputation in a short term it will be better for the company in a long term to listen and commit to get better. The changes companies make will be placed as a righteous company in consumer’s mind.

Business Ethic

Ethic is an important aspect in any kind of businesses but not every company puts righteousness ahead of self-benefit. The company that arise above the surface as unethical is Monsanto. Monsanto is a world’s leading company that produces genetically modified foods and that controls much of food supply world-wide; however, Monsanto is highly criticized for making innocent farmers to buy new seeds every year and selling harmful chemicals as safe product. Their style of earning money by dishonest ways and advertising their products with lies made their reputation to go down among its customers. Also, there are protests, such as “March against Monsanto” that aims to make people stand against GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and lot of websites that posts negative aspects of this company.


Every wrong choices Monsanto made added up to lower its reputation as a large food supply company and it only left a deep impression as an unscrupulous company. By examining Monsanto, it is obvious that value and reputation of the company rises when it is leaded morally and ethically and that it has the potential to be successful in a long-term. Therefore, enterprises should be responsible and be aware of how they will be recognized by the society and their stakeholders, not their benefits and profits.


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