Business Ethic

Ethic is an important aspect in any kind of businesses but not every company puts righteousness ahead of self-benefit. The company that arise above the surface as unethical is Monsanto. Monsanto is a world’s leading company that produces genetically modified foods and that controls much of food supply world-wide; however, Monsanto is highly criticized for making innocent farmers to buy new seeds every year and selling harmful chemicals as safe product. Their style of earning money by dishonest ways and advertising their products with lies made their reputation to go down among its customers. Also, there are protests, such as “March against Monsanto” that aims to make people stand against GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) and lot of websites that posts negative aspects of this company.


Every wrong choices Monsanto made added up to lower its reputation as a large food supply company and it only left a deep impression as an unscrupulous company. By examining Monsanto, it is obvious that value and reputation of the company rises when it is leaded morally and ethically and that it has the potential to be successful in a long-term. Therefore, enterprises should be responsible and be aware of how they will be recognized by the society and their stakeholders, not their benefits and profits.


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