Listen and strive to be better company

Brand positioning is a really important factor to be considered when a company strives toward a better reputation among customers. For an example, Volvo is the safest car that places in consumer’s mind which makes this company to have better reputation. However, companies sometimes thinks that “you can tell a better story without actually becoming a better company.”

Companies sometimes has to listen to its critics on how to unlock the perspective of consumer’s mind. It is not always the goods and services that they have to fix but it is the opinions from the consumers that they have to listen to with an open mind. The problem with some companies is that they do not listen to the advice but tries to go against criticisms. Even though the criticism may harm the reputation in a short term it will be better for the company in a long term to listen and commit to get better. The changes companies make will be placed as a righteous company in consumer’s mind.

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