Re: technological Advances

It is surprising how more products are created and threatens the existing products. As in Clarence Lam’s Blog, there is an increase in demand for e-cigarettes since real cigarettes are considered unhealthy. E-cigarettes provide nicotine that does not contain toxins from burning tobacco and people think it is a good substitute. I agree that e-cigarette is a product that maybe is successful because of its technological aspect. However, I am going to approach this topic differently.

In my analysis, I do not agree with Clarence on that e-cigarette will decrease the sales of cigarettes because, first, the price is higher than the actual cigarette and many people will not be able to afford it. Second, people do not get the satisfaction they get from the real cigarette and refuse to smoke e-cigarette. If people worried about their health more than satisfaction, they would have not smoked in the first place and, in my opinion, e-cigarette is just another substitute not a replacement. Therefore, it is not true that advancement in e-cigarette will not stop people buying addictive cigarettes.

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