women and men in a workplace…

When people work in a close relationships in organizations, it is hard to be just a friend with co-workers. Since people spend most of their time in work, it is harder to avoid falling in love in work sites. However, these relationships does not always bring happiness. There are many things that can go wrong.

As every human being has a perception, it will be hard to avoid other co-workers’ shady perceptions of couples. If one of the couple is not productive in work, everyone will think that it is because he is dating. Like this, it is easier to be the target of many co-workers.

Moreover, sometimes there are power distances between many employees, managers use this power to  harass co-workers.

Even though this can be a trivial matter, it is always best to look at these issues. There should be a clear policy regarding harassment and dating so that everybody has a strict boundary.


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