Part Time Job?

Many of us students work part time. Why? Because there’s flexible hours, and we can easily work a few hours a week so that we can earn some extra cash to go to either our tuition, textbooks, or just as allowance.

But is that the case for all part-time workers? In this Globe and Mail article, it talks about a woman who is working part time to keep up with her basic life necessities and save a little for her retirement. What happens when her employer decide to give her unsteady hours? Sometimes she’ll get 15 hours a week, sometimes 12, sometimes even less!



Employers likes part time workers. It saves them the money that health benefits and plans needs to use for full time workers. Having part time workers helps with their scheduling too. It is easier to have flexible part time workers scheduled throughout the week rather than having full time workers dead set on certain hours of the day.

However, this poses a big impact on workers who’d rather prefer full time jobs with stable hours. These part time workers depend on this job to make a living, while employers have the right to randomly cut these employee’s hours just because it doesn’t fit with the shop’s schedules. I think that something should be done to ensure that part time workers also have the right to have a certain amount of hours per week, so that people like Ms. Hasselhoff, and many other workers like her have a guaranteed amount of income for a part time worker.


Sources: Article,

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