If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?

If the United Nations was fully funded, would we still need the Arc? Would we need social entrepreneurship?

My answer is yes. If the United Nations had unlimited funds and blindly gave money to countries in the world, it would only help countries temporarily and in the short amount of time. In order to help a country, it is important to help them stand up on their feet and grow, which is where the Arc and social entrepreneurship comes into place.

The Arc helps companies in these companies improve, evolve and grow in the business area. I believe that nothing is richer than the sharing of knowledge and experience. With the Arc, while these students are able to apply their knowledge from the classroom into a real-life working environment, but they’re also able to share these information with these businesses in the country.

It is amazing how these global connections can benefit both sides of the relation. While business are able to be introduced to new and innovative ideas brought by UBC students, these students are also about to bring back precious experiences that can be applied to their future activities.


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