Web Folio Reflection Blog

One of the final assignments for ENGL 301 was the opportunity to develop a web folio that aligned with my future career or academic goals. Creating a web folio to display one’s achievements, experiences, skills, and/or goals was my first introduction in developing an online portfolio that would showcase my background and achievements.

Throughout the process of creating my web folio, I enjoyed having the ability to be creative in how I chose to highlight my work and achievements. For example, experimenting with different visual elements and colours of my web folio prompted me to consider the perspective of the chosen audience and ensure that the material presented is engaging and easy to navigate. Furthermore, I understood the value of paying close attention to details as it allowed me to catch small mistakes, such as spelling errors or formatting issues. Demonstrating attention to detail in the creation of my web folio also encouraged me to ensure that all the elements of my web folio, such as the resume, about me section, etc. were clearly communicated in a positive, professional, and effective manner.

Additionally, I had initially assumed that the organization of my web folio would be the most challenging aspect as there were many different elements that needed to be incorporated and managed. However, employing a structured approach of identifying a primary audience and making a storyboard to visualize the design and narrative of the web folio was extremely helpful in deciding how to move forward. Organizing my web folio with a specific audience in mind also encouraged me to reflect on my past achievements and connect the skills gained to my future goals.

Overall, the process of creating and organizing the web folio allowed me to utilize the technical writing and editing skills developed throughout my time in ENGL 301. Through building this web folio, I’ve recognized the value of self-reflection and using positive and professional communication to display my individual achievements and goals.

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