Unit Two Reflection Blog

Linkedin Best Practices

This assignment instructed us to conduct in-depth research on the best practices for the professional networking platform, Linkedin. Initially, my knowledge and experience with using Linkedin was quite minimal as my assumptions surrounding professional networking platforms were that they were targeted for more ‘established’ professionals and that the learning curve for using this platform would be too extensive and complex to navigate. However, after dedicating time to research best practices and explore the opportunities within this platform, I’ve gained deeper insights and developed new perspectives on the purpose of Linkedin. Through completing this assignment, my initial assumptions regarding Linkedin were challenged and I’ve recognized the value that this platform serves in expanding my career view and discovering opportunities for my professional journey. For example, I was able to learn about the component of specific Linkedin groups focused on certain industries and careers, which would make it easier to connect with like-minded individuals and grow the network. Additionally, having basic profile components, such as a profile picture and a summary of experiences can appeal to other professionals and potentially spark conversations regarding shared interests and goals. Overall, I feel more confident in navigating through Linkedin and using outlined best practices to optimize my engagement with the platform.

Formal Report Proposal and Outline

The Formal Report Proposal process included a brainstorm of potential topics surrounding a concern from a public setting that we have recently been a part of. Given the broad range of issues that could be potentially be investigated, it was challenging to narrow down the scope of research to a specific problem. However, with the rising cost of food and recent university news regarding a reduction in food security initiatives funding, I was reminded of my personal experiences of being involved in the student-run Agora Cafe in which we advocated for accessible and affordable nutrition for all. Through my extensive involvement with Agora Cafe, in combination with my nutrition degree, I found that exploring the domain of student food insecurity would be a topic that I’m able to display my passion and knowledge on. Narrowing down the scope to focusing on the AMS Food Bank provided a strong baseline in examining the effects and importance of food accessibility resources at UBC.

Currently, I feel confident in my progress completing the report as it relates to a topic that I feel dedicated and committed on exploring. Furthermore, planning the outline of the proposal provided the essential foundation for further research and data collection for my formal report. Through identifying key sections that I wanted to include in the formal report, I felt more confident in the writing and research process as I now have a guideline in mind.

Peer Review

The peer review of the formal report proposals included reviewing a team member’s proposal (Emilyn Sim) and also receiving feedback on my own formal report proposal. Reading through and reviewing Emilyn’s proposal provided helpful insight on the structure of a well-developed formal report proposal with concise details regarding the problem statement and potential solutions. By reading through Emilyn’s proposal multiple times in order to provide constructive comments and supporting suggestions, I was able to identify strong areas and concepts in her proposal that could also be applied to my own assignment.  For example, Emilyn’s effort to ‘avoid the negative’ and emphasize positive outcomes and solutions in her problem statement and solution sections reinforced the impact that the reframing of a statement can have on the audience.

Receiving feedback from Emilyn regarding my proposal also helped strengthen my writing technique and process. It was extremely valuable to gain a new and diverse perspective on the structure of my proposal and receive practical suggestions on how the assignment could be improved. For example, Emilyn’s recommendation to further specify the extent of the problem statement was helpful in emphasizing the importance of the issue to the intended audience. The feedback I received from this peer review process has enhanced my ability to critique and review my writing in a more thoughtful and engaging manner. I am looking forward to applying these new techniques and concepts in other writing opportunities.


Revised Report Proposal

Formal Report Proposal Peer Review

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