Unit Three Reflection Blog

Formal Report Draft

The formal report draft involved gathering research, compiling data, and writing a draft for the proposed topic of Increasing Access and Awareness to the AMS Food Bank. Researching and organizing the formal report draft included collecting primary data from anonymous student surveys as well as conducting secondary research through literature reviews or from past UBC AMS Student Experience survey reports. Distributing the anonymous surveys to UBC students and going over the range of responses was one of the most interesting aspects of completing this draft as it was my first experience in reaching out to the UBC student population through shared social media groups or pages. Despite the initial feelings of uncertainty in the amount of responses I would potentially receive, I was able to gather valuable feedback from students on a topic that I believe is important and beneficial in the development of student health and wellness. Additionally, I found the process of conducting secondary research through literature reviews and past UBC AMS Student Experience survey reports quite straightforward as I was familiar with this process through completing research reports in my past degree. Reading through multiple articles, journals, and survey responses regarding the prevalence of student food insecurity provided insightful information that helped me further understand the importance of providing food accessibility resources and also in addressing the complex barriers for access.

While working through the research portion of the draft, I felt much more motivated to start putting together all the pieces and begin writing about the topic that I was personally very passionate about. Organizing my thoughts, ideas, and work before beginning the writing process was much simpler than I had initially thought since I had completed the formal report outline in a previous assignment. This outline served as a helpful guideline to ensuring that all the necessary information would be included in my draft.

After completing the research and organization of the formal report draft, writing the contents of the draft became less daunting as I was able to approach the process with a structure and outline in mind. The biggest takeaway from completing the writing process was ensuring that I maintained a professional tone and demonstrated a positive attitude when sharing results and recommendations. By completing past assignments in this course, I’ve realized the value of displaying a professional and positive tone in communication as it demonstrates respect and also establishes credibility and clarity in the writing. Overall, completing this draft allowed me to utilize and develop a variety of communication and organizational skills, which led me to produce a report that I was excited to share with my peers.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

From the peer review process, I was able to review my team member’s (Tanya Mozafari) formal report draft while also receiving feedback of my own. While reviewing Tanya’s draft, I also critically reflected on my own work as I had the opportunity to see a different approach in the research, organization, and writing process of the formal report draft. For example, it was impressive to see the amount and the quality of research that Tanya had collected to support the background information, barriers identified, and the proposed recommendations as it enhanced the credibility of the content while also maintaining objectivity. Moreover, seeing how Tanya was able to navigate through complex information regarding co-op opportunities, such as barriers and strategies, and organize that information in a simple, clear, and concise manner for the reader had inspired me to revisit my own report and explore how I can further present my ideas in a coherent manner.

Additionally, since this was my third opportunity to complete a peer review, I felt more confident in my ability to provide feedback in a constructive manner and also recognize the value of collaborating with peers to exchange feedback as it can lead to new insights and improvements for the future. Receiving Tanya’s review and suggestions of improvement for my own formal report draft offered a new and valuable perspective that I hope to incorporate when updating my formal report. For example, Tanya recommended discussing how the availability (or lack thereof) of healthy food options can be another potential barrier of access to the student food bank. Overall, I believe these recommendations will help in strengthening the quality of my formal report as well as my writing skills and techniques.


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