Self-Assessment Reflection Blog

Through completing ENGL 301, I’ve gained valuable skills in technical writing that I will carry forward in my personal and professional career. Looking through my past assignments and reflection blogs, I was able to see my growth as a student and the evolution of my writing technique.

Strengths in My Learning Processes and Assignments

In the learning process of ENGL 301, I’ve recognized a main strength of being open to feedback from peers and professors. Receiving feedback and suggestions from individuals who have dedicated the time to review my work is a valuable learning opportunity that has strengthened the quality of my assignments and my learning. Additionally, it has allowed me to improve the way I edit my assignments and emphasized the importance of providing constructive feedback that is positive and professional. Another strength in my learning process and assignments include my commitment to learning new writing strategies and my attention to detail. Several new writing techniques were introduced to me throughout the term, such as writing with a YOU attitude. I believe my dedication for continuous learning, combined with my attention to detail, has allowed me to explore how these techniques improve my assignments, such as memos and my formal report proposal. These strengths have led me to develop work that I am proud to display in English 301.

Weaknesses in My Learning Processes and Assignments

A main weakness that I’ve identified in my learning process and through completing assignments is ensuring a proper tone that is professional, positive, and effective. Throughout the course, there was an emphasis to avoid pronouns, imperative verbs and also to employ a YOU-attitude when writing memos, peer reviews, proposals, etc. This was definitely difficult at the beginning as I was always familiar with using pronouns when providing feedback or writing memos. Occasionally, there were moments where I found myself using pronouns or not maintaining an objective and positive tone in my work. However, proof-reading through my documents and carefully editing my work has helped me recognize this area for improvement and employ the proper writing techniques.

How My Skills and Strengths Support My Future Goals

With my future career goal of becoming a software developer, I believe my outlined strengths will benefit me in navigating the tech field and in working with others. By being open to and understanding the importance of feedback from others, I’m able to adapt and gain new perspectives on different methods to approach a problem or project. This is especially important in the tech industry as it is constantly changing and evolving, which means working collaboratively and providing feedback and suggestions is critical in acquiring diverse knowledge. Furthermore, my dedication for continuous learning and my attention to detail will be essential in building my technical skills and understanding new programming languages. I believe my eagerness to learn will encourage me to continuously seek new resources and support to strengthen my knowledge base.

Overall, participating in ENGL 301 has been a great learning experience as I received valuable opportunities to collaborate with peers and also engage in meaningful self-reflection. I’ve gained important tools and skills in communication that I am confident I will carry forward in my career and educational journey.

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