Best Work

This page features my best work written throughout the ENGL 301 course. Each piece contains comments on the purpose and success of the assignment.

Definition Assignment

This assignment involved writing three technical definitions for a relatively complex term related to my profession or discipline. The term chosen for this assignment was “Random Access Memory” and completing this assignment exercised the ability to convert complex information into simple terms for a non-technical audience.

Revised Definition Assignment

Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

The peer review assignment included providing feedback and suggestions on the work of a fellow peer. The definition under review was ‘Object Oriented Programming’ and involved providing constructive feedback in a positive and professional manner. This assignment highlighted the necessity of editing and in helping others strengthen their writing strategies and techniques. It also emphasized the value of giving and receiving positive feedback in order to grow as a student.

Revised Peer Review of the Definition Assignment

Formal Report Proposal and Progress Report with Surveys

The formal report proposal was an opportunity to identify and investigate an issue related to a public setting that we have recently been a part of. It was initially challenging to narrow down a potential topic. However, through seeing a rise in the cost of living, exploring the potential to increase access and awareness to the student food bank, the AMS Food Bank, was a critical and worthwhile topic to investigate. This assignment helped develop essential research and writing techniques to support investigations.

The progress report involved describing the progress and plan for the formal report and also providing survey questions. This assignment emphasized the importance of having a structured research plan with concise surveys to support the primary data collection process.

Revised Formal Report Proposal

Revised Progress Report

Proposal Memo

The proposal memo was a valuable opportunity to compose a professional and concise email. It highlighted the importance of including sufficient details and maintaining a positive tone to demonstrate professionalism and respect.

Revised Proposal Memo

Linkedin Best Practices Memo

This assignment prompted research on useful techniques and practices for professional networking on LinkedIn. Through outlining best strategies, I’ve recognized the importance of maintaining an appealing profile to stand out and support my networking within my industry.

Revised Linkedin Best Practices Memo

Memo to Evan Crisp

This assignment included providing feedback on writing professional emails. Completing this assignment highlighted the purpose of adopting a YOU attitude and avoiding imperative verbs as it demonstrates clear, positive, and professional communication.

Revised Memo to Evan Crisp

Peer Review of Formal Report

The peer review of a formal report was another chance to provide constructive feedback on a peer’s formal report draft while also receiving insightful feedback on my own formal report. This assignment was an essential opportunity to explore different writing styles and reflect on my own work in order to improve and strengthen the quality.

Revised Peer Review of Formal Report