
Self-Assessment Reflection Blog

Through completing ENGL 301, I’ve gained valuable skills in technical writing that I will carry forward in my personal and professional career. Looking through my past assignments and reflection blogs, I was able to see my growth as a student and the evolution of my writing technique.

Strengths in My Learning Processes and Assignments

In the learning process of ENGL 301, I’ve recognized a main strength of being open to feedback from peers and professors. Receiving feedback and suggestions from individuals who have dedicated the time to review my work is a valuable learning opportunity that has strengthened the quality of my assignments and my learning. Additionally, it has allowed me to improve the way I edit my assignments and emphasized the importance of providing constructive feedback that is positive and professional. Another strength in my learning process and assignments include my commitment to learning new writing strategies and my attention to detail. Several new writing techniques were introduced to me throughout the term, such as writing with a YOU attitude. I believe my dedication for continuous learning, combined with my attention to detail, has allowed me to explore how these techniques improve my assignments, such as memos and my formal report proposal. These strengths have led me to develop work that I am proud to display in English 301.

Weaknesses in My Learning Processes and Assignments

A main weakness that I’ve identified in my learning process and through completing assignments is ensuring a proper tone that is professional, positive, and effective. Throughout the course, there was an emphasis to avoid pronouns, imperative verbs and also to employ a YOU-attitude when writing memos, peer reviews, proposals, etc. This was definitely difficult at the beginning as I was always familiar with using pronouns when providing feedback or writing memos. Occasionally, there were moments where I found myself using pronouns or not maintaining an objective and positive tone in my work. However, proof-reading through my documents and carefully editing my work has helped me recognize this area for improvement and employ the proper writing techniques.

How My Skills and Strengths Support My Future Goals

With my future career goal of becoming a software developer, I believe my outlined strengths will benefit me in navigating the tech field and in working with others. By being open to and understanding the importance of feedback from others, I’m able to adapt and gain new perspectives on different methods to approach a problem or project. This is especially important in the tech industry as it is constantly changing and evolving, which means working collaboratively and providing feedback and suggestions is critical in acquiring diverse knowledge. Furthermore, my dedication for continuous learning and my attention to detail will be essential in building my technical skills and understanding new programming languages. I believe my eagerness to learn will encourage me to continuously seek new resources and support to strengthen my knowledge base.

Overall, participating in ENGL 301 has been a great learning experience as I received valuable opportunities to collaborate with peers and also engage in meaningful self-reflection. I’ve gained important tools and skills in communication that I am confident I will carry forward in my career and educational journey.


Web Folio Reflection Blog

One of the final assignments for ENGL 301 was the opportunity to develop a web folio that aligned with my future career or academic goals. Creating a web folio to display one’s achievements, experiences, skills, and/or goals was my first introduction in developing an online portfolio that would showcase my background and achievements.

Throughout the process of creating my web folio, I enjoyed having the ability to be creative in how I chose to highlight my work and achievements. For example, experimenting with different visual elements and colours of my web folio prompted me to consider the perspective of the chosen audience and ensure that the material presented is engaging and easy to navigate. Furthermore, I understood the value of paying close attention to details as it allowed me to catch small mistakes, such as spelling errors or formatting issues. Demonstrating attention to detail in the creation of my web folio also encouraged me to ensure that all the elements of my web folio, such as the resume, about me section, etc. were clearly communicated in a positive, professional, and effective manner.

Additionally, I had initially assumed that the organization of my web folio would be the most challenging aspect as there were many different elements that needed to be incorporated and managed. However, employing a structured approach of identifying a primary audience and making a storyboard to visualize the design and narrative of the web folio was extremely helpful in deciding how to move forward. Organizing my web folio with a specific audience in mind also encouraged me to reflect on my past achievements and connect the skills gained to my future goals.

Overall, the process of creating and organizing the web folio allowed me to utilize the technical writing and editing skills developed throughout my time in ENGL 301. Through building this web folio, I’ve recognized the value of self-reflection and using positive and professional communication to display my individual achievements and goals.


Unit Three Reflection Blog

Formal Report Draft

The formal report draft involved gathering research, compiling data, and writing a draft for the proposed topic of Increasing Access and Awareness to the AMS Food Bank. Researching and organizing the formal report draft included collecting primary data from anonymous student surveys as well as conducting secondary research through literature reviews or from past UBC AMS Student Experience survey reports. Distributing the anonymous surveys to UBC students and going over the range of responses was one of the most interesting aspects of completing this draft as it was my first experience in reaching out to the UBC student population through shared social media groups or pages. Despite the initial feelings of uncertainty in the amount of responses I would potentially receive, I was able to gather valuable feedback from students on a topic that I believe is important and beneficial in the development of student health and wellness. Additionally, I found the process of conducting secondary research through literature reviews and past UBC AMS Student Experience survey reports quite straightforward as I was familiar with this process through completing research reports in my past degree. Reading through multiple articles, journals, and survey responses regarding the prevalence of student food insecurity provided insightful information that helped me further understand the importance of providing food accessibility resources and also in addressing the complex barriers for access.

While working through the research portion of the draft, I felt much more motivated to start putting together all the pieces and begin writing about the topic that I was personally very passionate about. Organizing my thoughts, ideas, and work before beginning the writing process was much simpler than I had initially thought since I had completed the formal report outline in a previous assignment. This outline served as a helpful guideline to ensuring that all the necessary information would be included in my draft.

After completing the research and organization of the formal report draft, writing the contents of the draft became less daunting as I was able to approach the process with a structure and outline in mind. The biggest takeaway from completing the writing process was ensuring that I maintained a professional tone and demonstrated a positive attitude when sharing results and recommendations. By completing past assignments in this course, I’ve realized the value of displaying a professional and positive tone in communication as it demonstrates respect and also establishes credibility and clarity in the writing. Overall, completing this draft allowed me to utilize and develop a variety of communication and organizational skills, which led me to produce a report that I was excited to share with my peers.

Peer Review of Formal Report Draft

From the peer review process, I was able to review my team member’s (Tanya Mozafari) formal report draft while also receiving feedback of my own. While reviewing Tanya’s draft, I also critically reflected on my own work as I had the opportunity to see a different approach in the research, organization, and writing process of the formal report draft. For example, it was impressive to see the amount and the quality of research that Tanya had collected to support the background information, barriers identified, and the proposed recommendations as it enhanced the credibility of the content while also maintaining objectivity. Moreover, seeing how Tanya was able to navigate through complex information regarding co-op opportunities, such as barriers and strategies, and organize that information in a simple, clear, and concise manner for the reader had inspired me to revisit my own report and explore how I can further present my ideas in a coherent manner.

Additionally, since this was my third opportunity to complete a peer review, I felt more confident in my ability to provide feedback in a constructive manner and also recognize the value of collaborating with peers to exchange feedback as it can lead to new insights and improvements for the future. Receiving Tanya’s review and suggestions of improvement for my own formal report draft offered a new and valuable perspective that I hope to incorporate when updating my formal report. For example, Tanya recommended discussing how the availability (or lack thereof) of healthy food options can be another potential barrier of access to the student food bank. Overall, I believe these recommendations will help in strengthening the quality of my formal report as well as my writing skills and techniques.



Unit Two Reflection Blog

Linkedin Best Practices

This assignment instructed us to conduct in-depth research on the best practices for the professional networking platform, Linkedin. Initially, my knowledge and experience with using Linkedin was quite minimal as my assumptions surrounding professional networking platforms were that they were targeted for more ‘established’ professionals and that the learning curve for using this platform would be too extensive and complex to navigate. However, after dedicating time to research best practices and explore the opportunities within this platform, I’ve gained deeper insights and developed new perspectives on the purpose of Linkedin. Through completing this assignment, my initial assumptions regarding Linkedin were challenged and I’ve recognized the value that this platform serves in expanding my career view and discovering opportunities for my professional journey. For example, I was able to learn about the component of specific Linkedin groups focused on certain industries and careers, which would make it easier to connect with like-minded individuals and grow the network. Additionally, having basic profile components, such as a profile picture and a summary of experiences can appeal to other professionals and potentially spark conversations regarding shared interests and goals. Overall, I feel more confident in navigating through Linkedin and using outlined best practices to optimize my engagement with the platform.

Formal Report Proposal and Outline

The Formal Report Proposal process included a brainstorm of potential topics surrounding a concern from a public setting that we have recently been a part of. Given the broad range of issues that could be potentially be investigated, it was challenging to narrow down the scope of research to a specific problem. However, with the rising cost of food and recent university news regarding a reduction in food security initiatives funding, I was reminded of my personal experiences of being involved in the student-run Agora Cafe in which we advocated for accessible and affordable nutrition for all. Through my extensive involvement with Agora Cafe, in combination with my nutrition degree, I found that exploring the domain of student food insecurity would be a topic that I’m able to display my passion and knowledge on. Narrowing down the scope to focusing on the AMS Food Bank provided a strong baseline in examining the effects and importance of food accessibility resources at UBC.

Currently, I feel confident in my progress completing the report as it relates to a topic that I feel dedicated and committed on exploring. Furthermore, planning the outline of the proposal provided the essential foundation for further research and data collection for my formal report. Through identifying key sections that I wanted to include in the formal report, I felt more confident in the writing and research process as I now have a guideline in mind.

Peer Review

The peer review of the formal report proposals included reviewing a team member’s proposal (Emilyn Sim) and also receiving feedback on my own formal report proposal. Reading through and reviewing Emilyn’s proposal provided helpful insight on the structure of a well-developed formal report proposal with concise details regarding the problem statement and potential solutions. By reading through Emilyn’s proposal multiple times in order to provide constructive comments and supporting suggestions, I was able to identify strong areas and concepts in her proposal that could also be applied to my own assignment.  For example, Emilyn’s effort to ‘avoid the negative’ and emphasize positive outcomes and solutions in her problem statement and solution sections reinforced the impact that the reframing of a statement can have on the audience.

Receiving feedback from Emilyn regarding my proposal also helped strengthen my writing technique and process. It was extremely valuable to gain a new and diverse perspective on the structure of my proposal and receive practical suggestions on how the assignment could be improved. For example, Emilyn’s recommendation to further specify the extent of the problem statement was helpful in emphasizing the importance of the issue to the intended audience. The feedback I received from this peer review process has enhanced my ability to critique and review my writing in a more thoughtful and engaging manner. I am looking forward to applying these new techniques and concepts in other writing opportunities.


Revised Report Proposal

Formal Report Proposal Peer Review


Unit One Reflection Blog

Writing the first draft of the technical definition

While completing the first draft of the technical definition, I was challenged with understanding and breaking down a complex term (Random Access Memory) into a simple explanation for a specific target audience that had limited knowledge in my field. The writing process prompted me to reflect on what it meant to be able to communicate clearly and concisely as it was easy for me to include a complicated term or jargon that I was familiar with and assume that everyone else would understand it easily. However, after reading through the assignment criteria as well as the textbook, I gained insight on applying the three different types of definitions (parenthetical, sentence, and expanded) to my technical definition in a form that was accessible and engaging. Additionally, I was able to explore and learn more about the different methods of expanded definitions, which was something that I previously had no experience with. I was able to use new methods, such as etymology, and establish an organized definition of Random Access Memory (RAM) for a more general audience.

Peer Review Process

The peer review process of the assignment included providing a team member (Sangita Dutta) with a document outlining a review of the definition as well as suggestions to improve. Reviewing Sangita’s assignment served as a great opportunity to explore different use of methods and writing techniques as well as expand my vocabulary through different terms and phrases. Completing the peer review was also insightful as it encouraged critical examination in the perspective of a new reader with limited knowledge on the term being defined (Object Oriented Programming). Moreover, by critiquing and providing constructive feedback on her definition, I was able to further develop skills in assessment and critical thinking. This collaborative component of the assignment offered a valuable chance to self-assess my own definition. For example, the organization and layout of Sangita’s definition had inspired me to reevaluate the structure of my definition to ensure that it was similarly easy to follow.

Revision Process

Reading through the peer review of my technical definition provided new perspectives and insights that I hadn’t considered while completing the first draft. Sangita’s feedback for my definition was both valuable and engaging as she was able to identify and clearly express how my assignment could be improved. One of her suggestions included expanding the audience in my reading scenario as it started quite niche and was therefore restrictive. Taking in that feedback, I recognized how having a more general audience would have been more beneficial in formulating my assignment as it would have helped in further simplifying any inaccessible terms or complex information. By receiving feedback in a supportive and precise manner, I was able to effectively revise my definition and explore different approaches to making my assignment more accessible and understanding. Overall, creating a technical definition and participating in a peer review and revision process helped further develop my learning and understanding on defining technical terms to a non-technical audience.

Revised definition of RAM: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/02/16/revised-definition-random-access-memory/

Peer review of RAM definition: https://blogs.ubc.ca/engl30199c2022w2/2023/02/14/peer-review-random-access-memory-ram/


Email Message to Sangita

To: Sangita Dutta, English 301 student,<sdutta06@student.ubc.ca>

From: Helen Zhou, English 301 Student <hzhou2@student.ubc.ca>

Subject: English 301 Writing Team Invitation

Date: January 31st, 2023

Dear Sangita,

I am writing in hopes of forming a writing team together for English 301. I heard from Emilyn Sim and Tanya Mozafari that they have both reached out with an invitation and I wanted to extend my own personal request to collaborate.

After reading your application letter, I was impressed with your skills in scientific research and writing as well as your ability to collaborate in interdisciplinary teams. I noticed that we share similar strengths in ensuring efficient and effective communication and collaboration, which would serve as a great benefit in creating a productive team. Additionally, I believe we’ll be able to learn a lot from each other with our diverse knowledge, experiences, and perspectives.

Please let me know if you are interested in forming a team by February 1st, 2023. I have also attached my application letter below for review. I look forward to hearing from you.



Helen Zhou

301 Helen Zhou Application Letter


Email Response to Tanya

To: Tanya Mozafari, English 301 student,<tanyamozafari@gmail.com>

From: Helen Zhou, English 301 Student <hzhou2@student.ubc.ca>

Subject: English 301 Writing Team Response

Date: January 31st, 2023

Dear Tanya,

Thank you for the opportunity to join your English 301 writing team this semester. I’m writing to accept the invitation and I’m excited to learn more from your skills and experiences as we work together.

After reviewing your application letter, I was impressed by your various extracurriculars and your strengths in ensuring clear and concise writing. I believe our shared experiences and skills gained from participating in student government will help us create a supportive and productive team. In addition, our aligning learning philosophies of enriching collaboration would definitely complement each other. I am looking forward to collaborating with you throughout the term.

Once again, I appreciate your interest in forming a team. I will also be contacting Emilyn Sim and Sangita Dutta about our prospective writing team


Helen Zhou


Email Response to Emilyn

To: Emilyn Sim, English 301 student,<esim01@student@ubc.ca>

From: Helen Zhou, English 301 Student <hzhou2@student.ubc.ca>

Subject: English 301 Writing Team Response

Date: January 31st, 2023

Dear Emilyn,

Thank you for reaching out and for your invitation to form a writing team together. I’m writing to accept the invitation and I’m looking forward to collaborating with you this term.

After reviewing your application letter, I was impressed with your skills and your professional and personal experiences. I believe our shared interests for technology and communications will serve as great strengths to our prospective team. I am also excited to learn more from your experiences and build up our skills in technical writing together.

Once again, I appreciate your interest in forming a team and for letting me know that you have also contacted Sangita Dutta and Tanya Mozafari to join. I will review their applications and reach out as well.


Helen Zhou


Email Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, English 301 Instructor, <erika.paterson@ubc.ca>

From: Helen Zhou, Student, <hzhou2@student.ubc.ca>

Date: January 25, 2023

Subject: Letter of Application

As outlined in lesson 1:2, my Letter of Application has been posted on my student blog and also attached below this memo.

Some highlights of my letter include:

  • Interest in joining a professional writing team
  • My academic background in Computer Science
  • My professional background with work experience in marketing and volunteer experience with student politics
  • Description of strengths in communication and collaboration
  • My learning philosophy for continuous growth and improvement

Please let me know if you need any additional information.

Thank you for your time,

Helen Zhou

Attached: 301 Helen Zhou Application Letter


Letter Of Application

January 25, 2023

The University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC Canada V6T 1Z4

Dear English 301 Community,

I am writing to join a professional ENGL 301 writing team this semester. I am currently in my third year studying Computer Science and I believe the skills developed in my professional and personal experiences would serve as a benefit for my prospective team.

My recent work experience includes working as a Marketing Coordinator for a nutraceutical company where I gained professional communication skills through working with external organizations to develop valuable partnerships. In addition, I served as the Vice President Academic for my undergraduate student society, which required active listening and productive collaboration in an inter-professional team consisting of faculty members and students.

Through these roles, my skills of establishing meaningful collaboration and efficient communication have improved significantly. My learning philosophy involves continuous growth and evolvement through engagement, practice, and curiosity. Therefore, respectful discussion and collaboration is an important component for a successful and supportive team environment.

Overall, I believe my commitment to this course combined with my skills and experience will make me an excellent candidate for your writing team. Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to reach out to hzhou2@student.ubc.ca for any questions or comments. I look forward to hearing from you.



Helen Zhou

Attached: 301 Helen Zhou Application Letter