Unit 1 Reflection

This assignment allowed me to reflect on the importance of being clear and concise with my words when writing. Learning about the three types of definitions taught me that there is not one straightforward way to define a term, which also encouraged me to explore the many possibilities I could convey a thought or a message. In technical writing, it is crucial to understand the purpose for writing as well as the audience the message is intended for. This allows the writer to tailor the tone and language of their writing as well as focus on the level of detail needed to communicate efficiently.

I recognized that the peer review portion of the assignment made me more aware of how my audience understands the information I am trying to purvey. By peer reviewing my partner’s definitions, I was able to note their strengths and my areas of improvement, and therefore, apply what I had learned to my own writing. Based on my partner’s critique, I realized that I needed to work more on organizing my information and elaborating on certain terms as well as adding descriptions to my images as the message I am demonstrating in the images are not clear to the reader. Furthermore, while conducting a peer review, I needed to meticulously read over my partner’s definitions in order to point out their strong areas and their areas of improvement. This in itself, helped me to notice certain details and made me conscious of my own writing.

Overall, this assignment was eye-opening and ultimately, helped me to become a better writer. I learned that catering to your audience is important in order to get your message across. It should never be assumed that your audience will understand your writing, even though you perceive it as coherent.

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