Unit 2 Reflection

In the past, I have had the opportunity to create a LinkedIn profile for a previous school course therefore, I had some familiarity with the platform. However in this second unit of the course, we actually had to research the best practices for using LinkedIn. This activity allowed me to better understand the thought process and methods in creating a profile on a professional social media network. I feel that I am better equipped now that I have learned some of the best practices and how to effectively engage in social media networking.

As for the process of brainstorming and preparing my report proposal outline, I believe that this process was incredibly beneficial by allowing me to plan ahead. I am learning that there is a lot of thought and process that goes into creating a formal report and by preparing an outline of my report, I am able to thoroughly form my ideas and tackle one section and a time – which is less intimidating in my opinion. Nevertheless, I am reflecting on my report proposal progress and I am struggling with the survey section as I am unsure on how to make my survey questions not personal, given the context of my report. I am currently contemplating on revamping my survey so that it does not include any personal questions, but still provides me with useful data for the report.


The peer review for my partner’s proposal was really eye opening. I was able to learn about a novel concept that was out of my realm of knowledge, as well as a necessary changes that need to be implemented. Through the peer review process, I am able to reflect upon my own writing technique. I am able to note certain strengths and weaknesses in my peer’s work, and apply their strengths into my own writing. Overall, it has broadened my outlook on writing techniques by giving me exposure to differing opinions and different writing styles.

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