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I chose Valerie’s post because of several similar themes that run through both of our commentaries.  One comment that reflects these similarities was:

I stick to what I know works and what I enjoy from a sense of security and comfort. Like taking handwritten notes for my Masters in Educational Technology.  Yet, my backpack also represents a dynamic nature where I embrace physical activity with technology (two things that are often looked at as opposing in themselves)”

Her reliance on using pen and paper to take notes throughout this program really resonates with me, and is something I have been reflecting on as we journey through the various topics in this course.  In my comment to her post I mentioned that writing should still be valued even though is a “simple form” but I would say my thinking on this has evolved quite a bit.  More recent readings point to looking at the evolution of text and technology as less revolution and more as remediation.  Pen and paper are not being replaced, but transformed through the use of various technologies.  The vast pages of notes collected throughout my 10 courses in this program were transformed into a variety of digital forms, and it’s interesting to view my preference for pen and paper from this lens this far into the program.

Her other comment as embracing physical activity with technology is also something I also mentioned when I discussed the item we both had in our bags…an Apple Watch.

Like Valerie, we are both committed to an active lifestyle, and somewhat ironically are supported in this through technology…more evidence for avoiding an essentialist approach, and appreciating the unique qualities of different forms of text or technology for how they support both communication and lifestyle!

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