Origanum ‘Barbara Tingey’

Origanum 'Barbara Tingey' round-leaved oregano Lamiaceae

Origanum ‘Barbara Tingey’
round-leaved oregano

Characteristics: Very interesting, beautiful low ground cover. Buds (actually bracts) almost completely cover the flowers- yellow-green to white-pinkish hue, then turn brown and disintegrate. Leaves look like they’re on skewers. Bracts look like upside down bowls stacked haphazardly on top of each other. Bracts create a beautiful ombre from white to darker pink. Flowers for months and months. Completely herbaceous. Attracts bumble bees.

Growing conditions: Sun and good drainage. Very pretty dripping over on a slab or edge of a raised container.

Limitations: Let’s see more of it!

 Origanum 'Barbara Tingey'

Origanum 'Barbara Tingey' round-leaved oregano Lamiaceae2