Papaver orientalis – oriental poppy

Class Summary: Comes in bright red and orange, usually. Sometimes in pastel colours like pink. Leaves no trace or evidence before end of April or after July. It dies back. If planted, you need something that will take it’s place after it blooms in late spring, early summer.

Notes: Papaveraceae family. Red, orange, white or pink. 30-90cm tall/spread. Spring and early summer blooming. Dies back afterwards than shoots appear again late summer. Attractive pre and post bloom, interesting buds and seed pods. Full sun, average to fertile soil. Thrives in calcareous/chalky/lime soil. Can be planted with a border. Accompany with baby’s breath or catmint. Deer resistant. Poppy seeds can be used for baking/cooking. Cut back after blooms or it will attract slugs. Attracts bees, butterflies, birds.

Aesthetic Notes: The pastel pink is best complimented by green foliage. The butterfly stonecrop sedum beside the pastel pink, was a good choice that we saw at Granville island. Light or desaturated greens pair well with this colour of poppy.

Poppie field is doable even in small spaces. Check! / Effektfullt med vallmo.:

Oriental Poppy with lady’s mantle.


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