Class notes: seperate female/male plants. Thus, male plant is much more showy. Adaptable, likes shade. Grows around the hemisphere. This variety is more showy and upright than found in nature. Doesn’t form as much as a colony. Tri-pinnately compound/strong form. Fern-like appearance. Long lived flowers – 4 weeks – then turns brown afterwards. Leans over. Common name Goat’s beard.
Site/Notes: Partial to full shade. Deep shade = less blooms. It will tolerant full sun only if it is kept moist. Soil should be rich, moist and full of humus. Looks natural growing along edge of woodland garden or open forest. It can be used as a back of a border of alongside stream/pond. Thick root mass/hard to divide. 180 tall, 120 wide. Clip after flowering b/c it self seeds plus it will contribute to long blooming period. Kneiffii is a miniature version. Blooms in the summer.
Aesthetic: Hazy effect, contrast in mixed border. Brighten up a dense green space in shade. Good along a pond for interesting reflection. Can be used for a naturalized effect too.