Perovskia atriplicifolia – Russian sage – Lamiaceae

Moondance rose, Russian sage & Mexican feather grass via Le Jardinet Designs:

Class summary: Finely divided, deeply toothed. Sub shrub, woody base, terminal flowering at tips of branches. Purple calix. New growth is whitish. Mildly evergreen. Tall perennial, 1m or more. Open form/massing is different. Good for Medians/cars. Looks great seen at a distance too.

Site/Notes: Full sun, well drained soil that is average to dry. Zone 5 to 9. Up to 5 ft tall, 4 ft wide. Drought, air pollution tolerant. +Will tend to flop in anywhere that does not have full sun+ Originally from Western China. Long blooming purple flowers.

Aesthetics/Notes: This provides a beautiful light purple colour that could be contrasted against darker purple tones. It’s a substantial sub-shrub that adds good size and colour to the garden. The fact that it can handle a bit of heat/air pollution from cars, makes it ideal for public landscapes.

Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Lacey Blue’ (Russian sage):


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