Centaurea montana – mountain bluet

GardenAtoZ - Perennial bachelor button Centaurea - Garden A to Z:


Class summary: Very successful in Vancouver, becomes weedy in drier climates. Leafy in the shade, produces more flowers in the sun. All centaurea species have distinctive flower bract. Flower has two parts – big petal is sterile, small petals are fertile.

Notes: Plant in well drained, light soil in full sun. Needs good ventilation to lessen problems with Mildew. Can be prospagated from cuttings or division. Violet blue flower that bloms in early summer, no flower fragrance, 1 m in height, .5 metre spread. 3-9 hardiness, tolerant of frost. Dead-heading will increase flower production and bloom time.

Aesthetic notes: The colour is attractive for its vibrant blue. However, I think this plant can be appreciated as a feature plant or viewed up close. As it’s floret details and bract, make it captivating.





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