A Field Study of an Asian Supermarket: PriceSmart foods

A particularly queer transformation to Save On’s management drew my parents to check out PriceSmart foods – one of their subsidiaries that markets cheaper versions of similar brands. Arguably, there is no difference between these companies; even the green colour scheme on their logos is eye-catchingly similar.

A new manager from the recently ailing T&T Supermarket was hired to completely remake the image and products the store offers. The aisles and counters were filled with tell-tale signs of their new strategy; everything from the signage and employees down to the Asian spices had been changed so drastically that, had it not been for the extra clean floors and shelving, I could have sworn that I was in a T&T. It was like the entire supply chain had moved over with this one manager.

So that’s the power that lending a single person an opportunity can make. I payed extra close attention to how PriceSmart foods took every differentiating point about T&T and made it better in their own store. Talk about evolving a seemingly straightforward business model. I think that they have a winning formula – that they have it right – and in their bright halls, I only thought of doing things better.