In Response to Daniel Zhang’s “Rotten Blackberry Springs New Growth”

In the long-term, I see Research in Motion’s stock price lagging significantly. Which is sad to me – sad for me to see it go. When I was interning in Hong Kong, I used one of their phones, and it served me extraordinarily well for texting, calling, etc. The interface and exterior design were picture-perfect, and it’s not every day a company gets the user interface right. Granted Apple’s technology is good, but who wants to use the same IOS interface every single time?

Just from the news on its debilitated market share, one can infer that a >90% drop in share price is not likely to rebound any time soon. Yet I can’t help feel some nostalgia again at this number, because when I first got into the stock market, RIMM was THE ticker to check for the daily surge. Pre-2008 was a wonderful era, and this is one of those companies that hangs as a memoir. And every time I am reminded of its history, it throws into sharp relief the sobriety of reality, and impartial fairness of the business world we live in.

Maybe like Research in Motion, it’s time for North Americans to step down from leading, and research.