Feeling Unproductive? Let’s Learn From Doing In Our Video Games

More often than not, the concept of gaming draws criticism for being a time waster. And, it is indeed the case that some gamers find that video games absorb a large portion of their time; time that could be spent on other work. But this is true for almost anything; do too much of any one thing, and you’ll find that it is just as mind-numbing and unproductive as playing video games for too long.

Like most other things, gaming in moderation has extensive benefits. Art, marketing strategies, product development, psychological behaviour and responses, and being opportunistic are among the most common examples of things that we can learn examining video games and their industry. If, as a gamer, I remain critical, continuously expect more, and keep my horizons broadened across this liquid aesthetic experience, then I am simply being a good student. I find that many successful businessmen and entrepreneurs hold the same core values as being instrumental to success.

Like my experience with video games, it is important that I keep my mind open to what an experience is telling me. It is important to me that I make what I learn from whatever subject I study a product of my own self-worth.

I’m glad that I’m not the only one who took up the developer’s invitation to roam this city. Or can we not all learn a little about ourselves from this art?