That Holiday, That Last Final, and It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

“How do I love thee? Let me count the [days]” – E.B. Browning from Christmas holiday. I want to be home with my family, skiing in Whistler, hanging out with friends, etc. But why do I, and so many students with me, hate dealing with school so much? Aren’t these the most wonderful years of our life?

Well, hopefully not; I like to think that there’s some potential in tomorrow, good or bad. I actually don’t count the days; I don’t care for it. I don’t let the stress of grades get to me. Doing bad on a test doesn’t ruin my day; doing well doesn’t make it, either. It’s about doing what will be most beneficial to me, and for me to have fun while I’m at it. Otherwise, it would be meaningless. Otherwise, I’d just be subsisting, counting the days till the next holiday. What would be the point of my golden years then? May as well make the most of it now, and might as well get down to business with whatever I do, keeping in mind that if I make it so, it can be meaningful to me.

I’m proud to use my holiday remembering what is important, and to take this chance to focus on my life’s work.