Posted by: | 9th Oct, 2011

Popular Girl: Christy?

“Christy Crunch Could Backfire on Liberals”  

Keith Baldrey, North Shore News, Friday, October 7th, 2011


Source: google images

Keith Baldrey’s observations on Kristy Clark’s coronation as the “most popular girl at school” should send shivers down the spines of British Columbians, particularly for those who were historically left in the outer circle of the playground.  The BC Liberal’s rebranding of Christy Clark from savvy politician to everyone’s best pal, is a risky and daring course of action.  If successful, she‘s every woman’s best friend and perky savior.  Trustworthy to all and seemingly infallible, she is pleasingly perfect in every way.  If failed, she becomes every hypocritical politician, all “smoke & mirrors”, inadvertently representing all that is wrong with politics today.  Even while energetic public relations types are hard at work polishing Christy! signs and encouraging British Columbians to follow her on Twitter and become her friend on Facebook, a subtle campaign to besmirch Adrian Dix, Leader of the BC NDP, is at work, portraying him both as an inept and ineffectual, yet devious and shifty at the same time.  Somehow, all of this reminds me of the girl at school who seems bright, shiny, and nice, yet turns out to be the person who talked behind your back, gossiped, and was unappealingly disingenuous.


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