Posted by: | 21st Nov, 2011

Sweet Victory!

BC Business, by Emira Mears, November 8, 2011

 Source: google images

What is it with women and our seemingly inherent inability to celebrate our success?  Rather than exalting in the joy of their accomplishments, many continue to dish up their achievements with a side dish of understatement.  Realized or not, this may be partly due to the burdens of tradition.  The bombastic male boss triumphantly tooting his own horn, with a demur young housewife in the background, remains an unfortunate historical legacy for some.  Until women address this barrier and truly rejoice in their own triumphs, true success may remain elusive.  As author, Emira Mears aptly states, “I’ve made a concerted effort to acknowledge my career accomplishments as they happen, and I’ve finally found the ultimate motivator: new research shows that not claiming achievements holds women back from achieving the same compensation and job satisfaction as men.”  We’ve all encountered a woman who exudes that intoxicating aura of confidence and success.  We want to be near them, as if just doing so will help us to perhaps, realize our own destiny.   So, what can we learn from this?  Well, that not only is it okay to say we’ve done a great job it’s possibly the most important career move you’ll make!

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